Probiotic Strains Matched To The Illnesses They Heal


The prescription is handed to you, and you take a look at it.  Looking up in surprise, you ask the doctor if the recommendation is indeed for a probiotic rather than an antibiotic.

The doctor nods his/her head and explains that the particular strain recommended for your ailment has been found to have an 86% success rate as tested in a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.
You ask about side effects, and your doctor replies that there — ARE NONE.

You are (understandably) amazed. You take your prescription, fill it, take as directed, and your condition is taken care of…with minimal discomfort. You even experience other health issues clearing up — that you thought were completely unrelated.

Sound like a far-fetched scenario?

Depending on how up-to-date and open minded your health provider is, this may already be a reality. And it may become more of a reality in mainstream medicine in the future.

The reason?  Researchers are taking quite an interest in probiotic strains and their effects on human and animal health. In recent years there has been a surge in the study of probiotics, the human microbiota, and other related applications.

To read the full article, click here.

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