Studying Nutrition Online Made Me Realize, Food Really Does Matter


Since announcing our 2021 intake of the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program, we’ve had potential students contacting us from around the world. Some have fallen in love with the program and enrolled straight away, other’s have had more questions about how it may best suit them and their goals of becoming a nutrition coach. One of the questions we frequently receive is, “what sets this program apart from other opportunities to study nutrition online?”

For this reason, we would love to introduce you to Olelo, one of the first of Hawaii’s first female chefs, and one of our recent graduates who is using this program to enhance her already thriving business. This is what she loved about studying nutrition online.

What did you love about the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program?

“It was fabulous. What I really enjoyed about it was Food Matters always seemed to make things simple. They break it down, there are PDFs, and the information is easy to follow. You have a quiz after each module and at the end, you can get certified after passing all the quizzes.”

“And besides that, what I really enjoyed was the wonderful speaker; top-notch, the latest information from the best people, doctors, and nutritionists who are on the leading edge. And this is what I enjoy. I also liked that now I have a better understanding. I can share this information with the rest of the world and basically use it for myself, so I can take care of my health. Have a wonderful day and please consider learning more about food because food does matter.”


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