Health Tips

Health Tips

From Health Scare to Healthy Living in 108 Days

6.2K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

One of, if not the driving force behind what we do, is seeing stories of transformation from people who come to Food Matters and …

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Health Tips

5 Back Pain Prevention Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

4.1K Views Lauren Wood Lauren Wood

In the modern world, we spend the majority of our working day sitting at our desks. Sitting still is often unavoidable, but back pain …

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Health Tips

6 Ways to Naturally Stop Your Sweet Cravings

2.6K Views Chloe Bennet Chloe Bennet

With natural and holistic approaches, it is certainly possible to reduce your sugar cravings and reach for a healthier alternative. In this article, we’ll …

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Health Tips

9 Myths About Meditation Busted

4.9K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Across the globe, meditation is becoming increasingly popular with a range of health and lifestyle benefits associated with a regular practice. While we are …

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Health Tips

New to Meditation? Start Here

13K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

In this short video, meditation expert Tom Cronin will introduce you to the basics of meditation, touching on the different types and how you …

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Health Tips

5 Hacks to Improve Your Focus

1.2K Views Rachel Morrow Rachel Morrow

Some of the most successful people in the world have mastered the art of focus and productivity, and you can too! Take charge of …

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Health Tips

6 Ways to Level Up Your Mindset

1.0K Views Rebecca Brown Rebecca Brown

Changing your mindset is one of those things that are practically impossible to achieve and that solely lies with the fact that most people …

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Health Tips

13 Ways To Improve Your Lung Health According To Chinese Medicine

7.0K Views The Chalkboard Mag The Chalkboard Mag

The lung’s energy and role—as seen in Chinese medicine—is that of making a boundary between the inner and outer world.

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Health Tips

Food Addiction: The Darker Side of Food

1.4K Views Ainsley Lawrence Ainsley Lawrence

Food is one of the greatest things on this planet. It nourishes our bodies and feeds our appetites. As humans, we are fascinated with …

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Health Tips

Seasonal Produce Guide: What's In Season for You?

5.7K Views Rachel Morrow Rachel Morrow

Eating out of season is certainly better than skipping your intake of fruits and vegetables, and we are lucky enough to have access to …

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