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Natural Therapies

FMTV November Film Club: Psyched Out


A documentary exploring plant medicines and psychedelics, some of these plants and substances have been used for thousands of years as a healing modality …

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Active Living

7 Minute High-Intensity Workout


Ready for more energy, less body fat, and greater vitality? Get your blood pumping with this short, energetic, high paced, high-intensity workout.

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Active Living

13 Unexpected Ways Movement Improves Your Life

2.6K Views Rachel Morrow Rachel Morrow

Regardless of your age, fitness level, or size, the evidence is strong for the mental health benefits that we can all receive from moving …

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Active Living

10 Minute Strengthening Pilates Routine

2.5K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

This 10-minute Pilates workout from the new series 'Detox Yoga with Amy Schneider' on FMTV will help strengthen your core, improve your posture and …

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How to Make Golden Paste: The Anti-Inflammatory Dip You Can Put On Literally Anything

95K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Turmeric is bursting with anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to its main compound, curcumin. Here’s how to properly eat turmeric to get the most out of …

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6 Surprising Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide

34K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

When we say Hydrogen Peroxide, we bet your first thoughts go to a teenager’s poor attempt at bleaching their hair or the staple in …

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Health Tips

How Gummy Candies Are Made (Shocking!)

335K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

With Halloween and Christmas just around the corner, it’s that time of year where we trick ourselves into having a treat or two, but …

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Film Spotlight: Food Fighter

300 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Ronni Kahn used to be a contributor to Australia’s annual $20 billion food waste bill when she ran a successful corporate events company producing …

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Is It Still Important to Choose Organic?

1.3K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

World Food Day is a day to create awareness across the globe around healthy food sources, world hunger, and how to make better food …

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Health Tips

Top Foods That Kill Sugar and Carb Cravings Instantly

38K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

One of the hardest things about transforming your health regime can be kicking the cravings, in particular, sugar and carbohydrate-loaded foods that fire off …

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