Vegetarian Tacos Packed with Plant-Based Nutrition


We have a deep deep love for tacos. The flavor combinations are endless. They make the best share meal with your friends and family or a quick fix for one.

They are also easy to pack with plant-based nourishing ingredients. We've put together a shortlist of 5 of our favorite plant-based taco recipes. Totally tasty, creative, and nutrient-packed to satisfy all of your taco cravings.

Lentil Tacos With Creamy Lime Dressing

The hearty lentil mix in these tacos will keep you full and satisfied long after your meal. Top it off with a zesty cabbage slaw and creamy lime dressing. Get the recipe here.

Smoked Jackfruit Tacos

These tacos combine some serious flavors!! A mix of Mexican and Vietnamese inspired by Ellie Bullen's travels around the globe. Get the recipe here.

‘Tacoless' Tacos With Sweet Potato Mince & Superfood Salsa

Ok, so this guy may be missing the tortilla but still packs a punch nonetheless, and if you want to, you can throw it in a tortilla. The 'sweet potato mince' is a must-try, especially with the pineapple salsa. Get the recipe here.

Lentil Walnut Tacos with Smokey Cashew Queso Sauce

To top off your taco dreams, Andrea Bemis from Dishing Up Dirt has created the most amazing smokey cashew queso sauce. Dairy-free and delicious for those that like to stick to a fully vegan or dairy-free diet. Get the recipe here.

Crunchy Cauliflower Tacos With Avocado, Lime, & Cilantro Dressing

Another deep love of ours: cauliflower! These crunchy cauliflower tacos are a crowd-pleaser! Get the recipe here.

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