
This Potent Berry Is A Powerful Immune Booster!

by Dr. Kevin Curran Apr 14, 2016 1.8K Views

Discover the benefits of this powerful berry and how it can majorly boost your immune system!


The Health Trends We'll Be Following in 2019

by James Colquhoun Dec 19, 2018 3.8K Views

From CBD & CBG oils, to digital detoxes, to slow movement fitness, we're covering the health and wellness trends that are about to explode into 2019. Hint: celery juice is here to stay!


7 Books To Help You Understand Fats

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jun 11, 2016 1.9K Views

With so much information floating around the internet, we thought we would help you out be showcasing our top 7 picks when it comes to books for understanding everything there is to know about fats. This articles lists our favorite books that explains the often misunderstood topic of healthy fats.


From Health Scare to Healthy Living in 108 Days

by James Colquhoun Oct 05, 2019 6.2K Views

One of, if not the driving force behind what we do, is seeing stories of transformation from people who come to Food Matters and FMTV for help. As soon as I read this one, I knew I needed to share it with you to highlight his incredible success and transformation!


Want Glowing Skin? Try These 12 Hydration Tips!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 22, 2018 5.0K Views

Water can be your perfect inexpensive, no fuss, anti-aging treatment! Proper hydration can help to maintain the skin's natural elasticity and suppleness, leaving your skin looking look fresh and more vibrant as a result.


From Mason Jars to Fridge Hacks: 11 Ways We Store Our Food

by Tess Patrick Aug 07, 2021 6.4K Views

Any foodie will tell you that the key to a kitchen is a handful of simple routines, or ‘hacks’. How you store your food is just as important as the food you buy itself. Whether you’re making the most out of shelf-life, looking to reduce wastage, or trying to save time and space, there’s a few simple rules to follow. It’s nothing that will break the bank or eat up your weekend, but rather that little bit of preparation to make your life infinitely easier. From mason jars to fridge hacks, here are 11 ways we store our food in the Food Matters kitchen.


Chocolate CAN Be Good For You, At The Right Dose!

Aug 28, 2012 32K Views

There's always been a lot of confusion about chocolate - what type to eat, how much, types to avoid, etc. There are a lot of health benefits associated with the cacao bean. Find out what Dr. Mercola has to say about chocolate.


10 Common Foods That Make You Bloat

by Lee Holmes Sep 02, 2018 79K Views

If your pants fit you in the morning, but not in the afternoon, try eliminating these common bloat triggers.


Are Multivitamins Worth It? Our Latest Take On It...

by James Colquhoun Nov 15, 2016 24K Views

Confused by differing expert opinions and unsure whether “To Supplement” or “Not To Supplement”? Catch up on what’s happening on both sides of the vitamin debate and find out what we do at Food Matters!


Meditation: 5 Key Factors That Helped Me Greatly

by Guy Lawrence Nov 18, 2016 4.8K Views

Are you having trouble meditating? Guy from ‘180 Nutrition’ shares his tips for making meditation the relaxing experience it’s designed to be.

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