
Brett Larkin

Brett is the founder of Uplifted Yoga, an online yoga and meditation community empowering students to personalize their practice and ignite their best life - on and off the mat. She’s instructed at top studios, companies like Google and Pinterest, and leads the world’s most interactive Online


How To Reduce Depression Symptoms During Pregnancy

Aug 13, 2012 233 Views

Depression affects up to one in five pregnant women. A study has now shown that something as simple as mindfulness can decrease symptoms significantly.


Health Benefits of Stretching More as You Age

by Nora Day Jul 11, 2019 3.0K Views

As we age, we become wiser, more experienced, and more knowledgeable. Doesn’t it make sense to have our flexible bodies stay at the same pace as the rest of our amazing advanced self? Keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of stretching as you age.


Aging is a Spiritual Journey

by Sonia Doubell Dec 30, 2016 2.1K Views

The truth is, staying youthful as the years pass is a choice you make now. Not tomorrow, but right now. Whatever age you are, you can turn back the hands of time and re-youth yourself by loosening up the body using gentle Yoga stretches which I will share with you later.


Harmonize Your Home

Jul 20, 2010 172 Views

Is life not flowing your way? Why not start by cleansing your home. Creating harmony in our inner environment will gradually create harmony in our outer environment.


How to Get Rid of Sugar Cravings Once and for All

by The Food Matters Team Jun 10, 2024 2.5K Views

Learn how to conquer sugar cravings with these tips. Discover the benefits of a balanced diet, hydration, and mindful eating practices to reduce your desire for sugary treats. Implement these strategies to achieve a healthier lifestyle and maintain lasting energy.


How To Improve Digestive Health & Avoid Constipation and Bloating

by Lynda Griparic Nov 18, 2017 6.7K Views

Movement is like an injection of oxygen, energy and flow to the body. Which is why it is so important for the digestive system. Here are some suggestions to improve digestion and avoid constipation and bloating.


Matthew Schmookler

Matthew is Co-Founder of Sowa where he supports natural mental health with Tibetan Medicine and Tibetan Yantra Yoga. As a graduate of Shang Shung Institute, completing internship and exams in the Qinghai Medical College and Hospital in Tibet, he is one of the few certified Traditional Tibetan Medicine practitioners …


Best Detox Retreats Around The World

Feb 23, 2018 20K Views

Would you like to lose a few kilos, increase your fitness, give your liver a break, de-stress or simply have some "me" time? Find out what we consider the best detox retreats around the world that pride themselves on amazing food, great results and personalized care. Why not make your next holiday a healthy one!


The 4 Foundations Needed For Cultivating Your Best Epic Life

by Sonia Doubell Feb 21, 2017 2.2K Views

Your health is your soil! When your body is vibrant and filled with energy, your mind reflects its wellbeing, your thinking crystallizes and your ability to be happy, positive and live your dreams becomes easy.

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