4 Weight Loss Habits to Transform Your Life


Struggling with weight issues?

Well, you are not alone. Studies estimate that almost 70% of the adult population in the US is overweight.  With 40% of the population classified obese.

It’s not just the US suffering from this affliction.  You will find equally alarming statistics all over the Western world.

‘What to do?’ you might ask.  

This issue is one that is close to my heart.  I spent my teenage years struggling with weight issues. I eventually had a complete body break down just days before my twentieth birthday.

This humbling experience set me on a journey for real answers.  It gave me the courage to move beyond the existing dieting paradigm that had failed so many (myself included).

I discovered little known healing tools and ended up losing 60 pounds naturally, without diets, drugs or deprivation.  And I have kept the weight off for almost 20 years now.

Here are 4 weight loss habits you can apply in your own life...

Habit #1. Start Your Weight Loss Healing Journey

We live in a world of instant gratification. We want infinite possibilities and we want them now!

Thank you Netflix, Spotify, Uber, Deliveroo, Tinder, and friends…

This quick fix mentality is one of the biggest obstacles people encounter on the path to creating enduring weight loss success.  

What I discovered is that ‘Losing Weight is a Healing Journey’ (and it’s why I wrote the book on it).

I also learned that permanent weight loss is an act of cultivating deeper levels of self-awareness and love.

When you apply this sacred knowledge, to rebalance your body, mind, and emotions, you will lose weight naturally.

Habit #2. Stop Dieting. Start Healing

Perhaps the most common response to the desire to lose weight is, dieting.  This is despite the widely accepted fact that 95% of diets don’t work.

Restrictive diets interfere with our metabolism and put the body into starvation mode.  For most this equates to fat storage and long term weight gain.

Hello, yo-yo dieting!

Crazy how we keep doing this to ourselves, right?

But is there an alternative?

Well, yes.  On my weight loss healing journey, I discovered that addressing the root cause of weight gain provides the antidote.

Healing requires that we look at our lives holistically.  This includes having the courage to explore the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual reasons for our weight challenges…

Habit #3. Work With a Healing Guide

Once you have made the choice to start your weight loss healing journey, it’s important to work with a healing guide that you trust. Here’s why…

Think about visiting a foreign country where you don’t understand the culture or speak the language. It makes things pretty tricky huh?

It’s obvious that the experience will be much better with a knowledgeable guide.

They can introduce you to the best restaurants, insider hot spots and even give you some key phrases that you can try out with the locals.

When you start your weight loss healing journey, it’s best to choose a guide who has achieved the results you are seeking.  That way you can be assured that they are familiar with the challenges of the terrain.

A healing guide will help to fast track your learning process. Potentially saving you years of unnecessary pain, frustration, and struggle.

Habit #4. Go on a Weight Loss Retreat

Going on a weight loss retreat gives you an incredible opportunity to make a fresh start.  

I mean what sane person wouldn’t want to whisk away to an exotic location and come back feeling lighter, happier and healthier?

You probably already realize how complicated it can be to change old habits at home.  Facing familial triggers and temptations whilst attempting to make changes can be tough no doubt about it.

The beauty of retreats is that they provide an immersive experience.  Making it easier to break old habits more easily, whilst learning new empowering ones.

Imagine waking each day to gentle yoga or meditation class.  Followed by a healthy breakfast of tropical fruits, organic juices, and fresh coconuts?  

All of course before making the biggest decision of the day… ‘Shall I relax by the pool or go get a healing massage?’

Having run retreats all over the world for the past 10 years I have seen people make the most incredible breakthroughs. That wouldn’t have been possible had they been stuck at home.

And the best thing about retreats is the supportive group environment. Special things happen when people encourage you to go after your weight loss dreams.


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