7 Powerful Health Benefits Of Acai Berry
Acai berries are native to Central and South America and they’ve been used by the indigenous people of the Amazon region for centuries. These berries are famous for their incredible medicinal properties, which not many people are aware of nowadays. This berry is a potent immune and energy booster, and has been proven to heal many diseases. Only in the past few years has it started to be introduced into foreign markets, which is why not many know about it - however, it’s certainly worth looking into.
The Brazilian acai berry is still relatively new to the market, therefore not many scientific studies have been carried out on it. However, from the ones that were done, it seems that acai berries have powerful health benefits when consumed on a regular basis. The indigenous people weren’t using it as medicine for centuries for no reason, after all.
In 2012 “An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Acai” was published by Natural Standard Research Collaboration (NSRC). This scientific body works independently from the product manufacturers and is considered as one of the most reputable sources by the World Health Organization.
Cancer Fighting Agents
A study from the University of Florida published in the 2006 issue of the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. This study showed that acai berries’ extract applied directly on the leukemia cancer cells killed up to 86% of them.
Heart Health And High Levels Of Antioxidants
According to NSRC study, acai is one of the highest antioxidant fruits in the world, which brings it to a superfood category. Due to great antioxidant content in the acai berries, they have powerful heart healing properties. They reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s disease and macular degeneration. This means prevention of cardiovascular disease, improvement in eyesight and lots of other anti-aging benefits. Not to mention, it increases blood circulation and lowers the risk of blood clots.
Potent Immune Booster
These berries increase the function of immune cells even when consumed in low doses. They have very high levels of vitamin C together with ellagic acid, an antioxidant that reduces cancer cell growth. Acai’s phytochemicals strengthen the body’s cells, which makes it easier to fight any infections or invasions of free radicals.
Lowers Cholesterol And Helps You Lose Weight
The antioxidants present in the acai berries lower cholesterol levels in the body, which in turn helps you lose weight and bring the body back to its optimal state. Healthy cholesterol levels mean balanced hormones, good metabolism rate, and a myriad of heart health benefits. It also cleanses the body of all the toxins accumulated through a low-quality diet.
Powerful Energy Booster
Overall properties of the acai berries increase the body’s energy levels, as well stamina. They reduce fatigue, improve concentration and relieve exhaustion. Additionally, due to its ability to increase blood circulation, it in turn increases sexual desire, especially in men. In women’s cases, acai helps maintain a mental balance in women going through menopause.
Anti-Aging Properties
Antioxidants present in the acai berries help reverse or slow down aging processes that are caused by oxidative damage to the cells. One acai berry contains ten times more antioxidants than those of grapes and two times more than blueberries. Tweet - Antioxidants present in the acai berries help reverse or slow down aging processes that are caused by oxidative damage to the cells.
Amazing Skin Benefits
Acai berries are also known for their skin health benefits. They increase regeneration processes in the body, not only due to increased levels of vitamin C, but also due to high levels of iron. This means less wrinkles, blemishes and age spots. Moreover, they contain a high level of fatty acids that help the skin stay firm, youthful and healthy. They can be used topically as well, in the form of a mask. This trick will keep your skin looking fresh and spotless.
Nowadays, acai can be found in a frozen, raw form, and this is the best way to maintain all the health benefits. You can incorporate it in smoothies, homemade ice-creams and lots of other creative ways. It is preferable to consume it raw. Any thermal processing of food generally lowers its health benefits.
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