James Colquhoun

James Colquhoun is the filmmaker behind Food Matters, Hungry For Change, and Transcendence Seasons 1 & 2 and founder of Food Matters and FMTV. Along with Laurentine ten Bosch, James founded the Food Matters community following the release of the 2008 documentary, giving people the tools (films, books, articles, and guided programs) to take charge of their own health. From here, FMTV was born! It was designed as a place where you can access vital information by watching all of your favorite inspiring documentaries, expert interviews, & recipe videos in one place, and in early 2020 FMTV found it's new home on Gaia.

My Podcast Episodes


Hormone and Thyroid Health; Disruptors to Avoid and How to Balance Naturally Dr. Tami Meraglia


Living With Purpose & Contentment: Lessons from an Ultra Endurance Athlete (Rich Roll)


Ancient Healing Practices Explained: Ayurveda


What Can Psychedelics Teach Us That Conventional Medicine Can’t?

Harnessing the Power of Plants to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease with Dr. Joel Kahn


How to Bring Your Adrenals Back Into Balance Naturally


The Art of Mastering Your Mind for Unlimited Potential in Your Life


How Identifying Your Sleep Type Could Transform Your Health


How Sleep Affects Longevity Plus Secrets of the World’s Healthiest People


Using Adaptogenic Mushrooms to Optimize Your Brain Health & Boost Your Immunity


How to Cultivate Conscious Relationships after Overcoming Childhood Trauma


How Intuitive Fasting Can Transform Your Health

My Articles

Health Tips

5 Easy Ways To Ease Anxiety

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

With all the stress and panic in the world, we can see why you might be feeling more anxious than usual. No matter what …

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Health Tips

4 Powerful Health Benefits of Turmeric

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

We love this root for its vibrant color and fragrant flavor. The way it adds a punch to curries and makes a creamy superfood …

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7 Ways Meditation Affects the Body (Infographic)

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Over 6,000 research papers are showing that the ancient practice of meditation holds the key to helping with these ailments, and we’re only just …

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Free Series: Content to Thrive

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

You may have seen on our social media channels of late an abundance of free, uplifting content. We wanted to share this with you …

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Health Tips

10 Free Yoga & Meditation Classes You Can Do at Home

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

While so many of us are spending extended periods of time at home right now, connection, mindfulness, and breath is so important. Here are …

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Natural Therapies

10 Ways Deep Breathing Can Relieve Stress

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

There is a difference between taking a breath and mindfully breathing; studies have found connections between mindful breathing and state of mind. If a …

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Health Tips

Clean Beauty Products We Can't Live Without

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Our skin is our body’s largest organ. It protects us from damage and bears the brunt of the outer world. Thankfully, natural alternatives in …

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How to Boost Your Immunity During Coronavirus Outbreak

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

What we can’t quite understand is why everyone is bulk-buying toilet paper, to the point of chaos in supermarkets, but not stocking up on …

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Health Tips

Deepening Her Yoga Practice & Setting Intentions For A Beautiful Day

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Wellness knowledge is a good thing to have - if you’re putting it into practice. In this interview series, we get up close and …

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Health Tips

Enjoying Fresh, Local Foods to Transform Old Habits

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Wellness knowledge is a good thing to have - if you’re putting it into practice. In this interview series, we get up close and …

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My Recipes