James Colquhoun

James Colquhoun is the filmmaker behind Food Matters, Hungry For Change, and Transcendence Seasons 1 & 2 and founder of Food Matters and FMTV. Along with Laurentine ten Bosch, James founded the Food Matters community following the release of the 2008 documentary, giving people the tools (films, books, articles, and guided programs) to take charge of their own health. From here, FMTV was born! It was designed as a place where you can access vital information by watching all of your favorite inspiring documentaries, expert interviews, & recipe videos in one place, and in early 2020 FMTV found it's new home on Gaia.

My Podcast Episodes


Hormone and Thyroid Health; Disruptors to Avoid and How to Balance Naturally Dr. Tami Meraglia


Living With Purpose & Contentment: Lessons from an Ultra Endurance Athlete (Rich Roll)


Ancient Healing Practices Explained: Ayurveda


What Can Psychedelics Teach Us That Conventional Medicine Can’t?

Harnessing the Power of Plants to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease with Dr. Joel Kahn


How to Bring Your Adrenals Back Into Balance Naturally


The Art of Mastering Your Mind for Unlimited Potential in Your Life


How Identifying Your Sleep Type Could Transform Your Health


How Sleep Affects Longevity Plus Secrets of the World’s Healthiest People


Using Adaptogenic Mushrooms to Optimize Your Brain Health & Boost Your Immunity


How to Cultivate Conscious Relationships after Overcoming Childhood Trauma


How Intuitive Fasting Can Transform Your Health

My Articles

Health Tips

EWG's 2019 Dirty Dozen List: Which New Vegetable Made It To The List?

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Each year we love reporting on the latest findings to come from the EWG’s annual research on the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen. 2019 …

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Healthy Home

Healing With Essential Oils With Kim Morrison

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Have you tuned in for our BIGGEST health movie marathon yet? We're up to Day 8: Eliminating Household Toxins and Healing with Essential Oils. …

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Health Hazards

Breaking News: Monsanto Weedkiller Roundup Was ‘Substantial Factor’ in Causing Man’s Cancer

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

A jury has unanimously determined that Roundup Weedkiller is responsible for causing cancer. This time in Federal court, it sets a precedent for thousands …

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Health Tips

The Total Wellness Summit NOW LIVE: How to Detox Your Body & Lose Weight Naturally

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Day 1 of the Total Wellness Summit presented by Food Matters TV has started! To kick things off today, we are sharing 10 documentaries …

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Health Tips

Where We Eat in LA

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Southern California is a global Mecca for organic, local, sustainable, raw, living, vegan, vegetarian, paleo, keto, dairy-free, gluten-free and juice bar dining options. Here …

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Health Tips

14 Whole Foods Products We Love

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Whole Foods Market, the new Amazon child, is the original mecca of mainstream organic superstores in the US. When we lived in the U.S. …

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Health Tips

Eat This, Not That [FREE Download]

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Download your free wallchart when you sign up for the Total Wellness Summit today! The summit is our newest FREE & ONLINE event starting …

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11 Herbs That Will Help Make Your Memory, Focus And Brain Work Better Than Ever

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

If you’re losing focus, feeling disorganized, and forgetting more often than you’d like, it’s time for a brain-boost! These herbs help promote cognitive function …

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10 Definitive Steps to Total Wellness

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

What is wellness? A holistic approach to health and wellness incorporates your whole body, mind and spirit. From healing the gut, curbing cravings, reducing …

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Natural Therapies

Changing ‘Can’t’ into ‘Can’ With One Simple Question

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Disempowering thoughts and self-sabotaging mindsets are all too common but they actually stem from programming as a young child. In this quick clip, Bruce …

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My Recipes