James Colquhoun

James Colquhoun is the filmmaker behind Food Matters, Hungry For Change, and Transcendence Seasons 1 & 2 and founder of Food Matters and FMTV. Along with Laurentine ten Bosch, James founded the Food Matters community following the release of the 2008 documentary, giving people the tools (films, books, articles, and guided programs) to take charge of their own health. From here, FMTV was born! It was designed as a place where you can access vital information by watching all of your favorite inspiring documentaries, expert interviews, & recipe videos in one place, and in early 2020 FMTV found it's new home on Gaia.

My Podcast Episodes


Hormone and Thyroid Health; Disruptors to Avoid and How to Balance Naturally Dr. Tami Meraglia


Living With Purpose & Contentment: Lessons from an Ultra Endurance Athlete (Rich Roll)


Ancient Healing Practices Explained: Ayurveda


What Can Psychedelics Teach Us That Conventional Medicine Can’t?

Harnessing the Power of Plants to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease with Dr. Joel Kahn


How to Bring Your Adrenals Back Into Balance Naturally


The Art of Mastering Your Mind for Unlimited Potential in Your Life


How Identifying Your Sleep Type Could Transform Your Health


How Sleep Affects Longevity Plus Secrets of the World’s Healthiest People


Using Adaptogenic Mushrooms to Optimize Your Brain Health & Boost Your Immunity


How to Cultivate Conscious Relationships after Overcoming Childhood Trauma


How Intuitive Fasting Can Transform Your Health

My Articles


The 5 Best Foods to Fight Inflammation

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Did you know that an overwhelming amount of chronic disease stems from chronic inflammation in the body? And with that notion, many conditions can …

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Nutrition Trends in 2021 & Beyond

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

This last year has left us looking at some of the more bizarre nutrition trends to grace our table with a critical and questioning …

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Health Tips

Are You Making These 8 Common Juicing Mistakes?

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

I've been juicing for years and have picked up a few tricks of the trade along the way that I wanted to share with …

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10 Key Takeaways from 2020

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

If we look around at a tough situation hard enough, there’s almost always a lesson to be learned. It’s not to discredit the issues …

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Happy Holidays, From Our Family to Yours

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

At this time of year Laurentine and I, as well as the Food Matters team, wanted to say thank you for being a part …

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Food Matters Healthy Holiday Shopping Guide

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

The holidays represent a special time for gifts and family gatherings. And at Food Matters, we believe that you are what you eat (and …

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Health Tips

Common Signs Your Digestive System Isn’t Working Properly

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

We all know the foods we like and dislike, and some of us are even in tune enough to know the foods that do …

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Rediscovering Ancestral Nutrition for Ultimate Health

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Many of us are armed with the knowledge of holistic health and nutrition, but we’re unsure where to go from there. But the next …

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Natural Therapies

How Your Hormones Affect Your Whole Body (& What To Do About It)

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

We’ve been conditioned to think that hormones are this awkward byproduct of puberty, that causes voices to break and acne to crop up at …

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Healthy Home

7 Tips For A Healthy Thanksgiving

James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Thanksgiving is approaching, which means good food and happy times. Don't want to over-indulge though? Here's how to keep it healthy in seven simple …

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My Recipes