
Eat Your Way To Happiness (Video)

by Michele Chevalley Hedge Aug 23, 2015 565 Views

Energy, vitality and serotonin - it's all in your food! A healthy view on nutrition is essential for our mental stability, emotional resilience and physical health. Watch this short video to learn how to get that!


The 4 Foundations Needed For Cultivating Your Best Epic Life

by Sonia Doubell Feb 21, 2017 2.2K Views

Your health is your soil! When your body is vibrant and filled with energy, your mind reflects its wellbeing, your thinking crystallizes and your ability to be happy, positive and live your dreams becomes easy.


What the Moon Cycle Can Tell Us About Our Own Monthly Cycles

by Alle Weil Nov 27, 2016 4.6K Views

How can the mirrored relationship between women and their monthly menstrual cycles and the moon’s waxing and waning energy help us to understand ourselves better and harness this natural energetic ebb and flow with ease?


Jay Mac

Jay Mac Is the founder of Prana Films, a Cape Town based video production company. Prana is a Sanskrit word meaning 'energy or life force'. This is the essence behind the video productions he produces. "At Prana Films, we give it our all to make world class, thought provoking, …


Food Matters Signature Green Smoothie

by Rachel Morrow Mar 13, 2022 4.7K Views

Want to start your day feeling invigorated and full of energy? The Food Matters Green Smoothie is the perfect breakfast for that refreshed, ready-to-take-on-the-day feeling!


Sweet Potato Tortilla

by Brenda Tapia Mar 18, 2016 2.5K Views

Got a few extra sweet potatoes lying around and don't want the make the usual sweet potato fries or sweet potato curry? Try these delicious Sweet Potato Tortillas!


8 Foods To Stop Stress & Keep You Resilient

by Tess Patrick Mar 30, 2020 4.2K Views

We are what we eat, and there some special foods that counteract and complement our resilience to external stressors. Here are 8 of our favorite foods to keep you calm and help reduce stress naturally!


From Ghee to Digestive Health: Ayurvedic Insights with Myra Lewin

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 13, 2024 1.1K Views

Are you struggling with stress, anxiety, and the digestive issues that often accompany them? In this interview with Myra Lewin from Hale Pule, we explore how some simple and practical Ayurveda principles can help. From covering the benefits of ghee to offering practical advice on managing stress and anxiety, including specific foods and practices that support a healthy gut, this podcast interview with Mrya covers a lot but with many easy-to-implement steps.


How To Improve Digestive Health & Avoid Constipation and Bloating

by Lynda Griparic Nov 18, 2017 6.7K Views

Movement is like an injection of oxygen, energy and flow to the body. Which is why it is so important for the digestive system. Here are some suggestions to improve digestion and avoid constipation and bloating.


5 Foods To Supercharge Your Life

by Dr. Libby Weaver Nov 03, 2014 5.3K Views

Supercharge your diet with these whole foods, full to the brim with nourishment for your cells that will pack a mega-nutritional punch and leaving you with boundless full-of-beans energy for the whole day!

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