
5 Foods To Supercharge Your Life

by Dr. Libby Weaver Nov 03, 2014 5.3K Views

Supercharge your diet with these whole foods, full to the brim with nourishment for your cells that will pack a mega-nutritional punch and leaving you with boundless full-of-beans energy for the whole day!


What The Food Matters Team Eats

by The Food Matters Team Nov 11, 2015 2.3K Views

Curious to see if we practice what we preach? Seven of the Food Matters team members show you what they eat for lunch and reveal the quick and easy recipes to go with them!


Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies Impacting Your Energy & Mood

by James Colquhoun Oct 11, 2021 2.1K Views

Dizziness, low energy, fatigue, headaches… These are all common signs that your body is telling you it needs more of a certain nutrient so it can keep you healthy. Here are the top 3 of the most common nutrient deficiencies (& quick tips on how to fix them).


11 Daily Habits for Naturally Glowing Skin

by James Colquhoun Jul 09, 2019 16K Views

It’s the small things that add up to make big changes to how we feel! Try out these 11 simple steps to build happier and healthier skin.


8 Foods to Start Eating Every Week if You Want Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Dec 18, 2012 17K Views

Stop throwing away your money! For clear, glowing skin, it’s what you eat, not what expensive skincare products you buy, that will make the biggest difference.


Losing Your Hair? Find Out What You Can Do

Sep 15, 2009 72K Views

No one wants to wake up one day with more hair in the sink than on their head. Here are 6 ways you can keep your hair strong and healthy.


Chili, Lime & Tamari Trail Mix

by Rachel Morrow Apr 03, 2016 2.1K Views

Spice up your afternoon snacks with our Chili, Lime & Tamari Trail Mix... Be the envy of the office when you pull out your homemade trail mix when the 3.30pm cravings strike!


Hearty Apple Sandwich

by Kerry Wekelo May 28, 2016 3.0K Views

Apples are one of the healthiest fruits because they have a lot of fiber, which helps with digestion.That’s why people say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”


What Is Histamine Intolerance?

by Lee Holmes Aug 27, 2015 28K Views

Histamines are neurotransmitters that are produced during any allergic response holding a very significant role in our bodies. It's a natural reaction we need to occur but why are so many becoming intolerant?


Quinoa Stuffed Mushrooms

by Kelly Alexander Nov 12, 2015 1.3K Views

Searching for a healthy snack? Maybe you are on the hunt to find a nice vegetarian dish to impress your friends or family? Stuffed mushrooms are always a good one whether you are entertaining or just needing some quick and nourishing for yourself!

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