
5 Best Probiotic Foods

by Tess Patrick Aug 16, 2021 2.4K Views

The gut microbiome (that is the billions of beneficial bacteria that make up our insides) is responsible for so much in the body, from brain health to even things like skin health. But I don’t want to bore you with the background details, I just want to give you the fun information! Here are the 5 best probiotic foods...


5 Foods to Nourish the Gut Microbiome

by James Colquhoun Sep 28, 2021 14K Views

For years gut health was the missing piece that no one wanted to talk about - despite the leading experts telling us otherwise. The reality can be confronting and definitely confusing, but mounting research in recent years has shown us what our ancestors knew all along; our gut health governs our overall health. To make it even less confusing, here are 5 foods to nourish the gut microbiome so you can support your body with thriving health.


How to Make Golden Paste: The Anti-Inflammatory Dip You Can Put On Literally Anything

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 24, 2019 95K Views

Turmeric is bursting with anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to its main compound, curcumin. Here’s how to properly eat turmeric to get the most out of its powerful compound.


Vitality Rolls

by Kittea Ukkola Nov 19, 2015 1.6K Views

When it comes to eating the rainbow, you can bet that creating fresh rice paper rolls packed with nourishing ingredients like this will cover it!


12 Simple & Easy Recipes for Anyone in Self-Isolation

by Rachel Morrow Apr 01, 2020 30K Views

These recipes are as easy as they are tasty, and we hope they give you the opportunity to tune out from the loudness of the world and focus on the goodness on your plate. After all, food really does matter…


7 Recipes To Make The Most Out Of Pumpkin Season

by Rachel Morrow Oct 04, 2016 4.1K Views

When we think about Fall, pumpkin is quick to come to mind. It's flavorful. It's pack with vitamins and minerals. And it is one extremely versatile vegetable. To prove this, here are 7 recipes for you to make the most of pumpkin season.


What The Food Matters Team Eats

by The Food Matters Team Nov 11, 2015 2.3K Views

Curious to see if we practice what we preach? Seven of the Food Matters team members show you what they eat for lunch and reveal the quick and easy recipes to go with them!


Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid

by Dr Joseph Mercola Nov 22, 2010 216K Views

Most of us unknowingly eat a plethora of harmful artificial food additives on a daily basis. From asthma to cancers, food additives may be wreaking havoc on your health. Find out how to read labels and find out what to look out for.


Why You Should Be Eating Cactus, Superfood of the Desert

by Tess Patrick Sep 14, 2021 672 Views

In honor of this incredible plant, we’re diving deeper. Here’s why you should be eating cactus, the superfood of the desert.


Healing the Gerson Way

Apr 22, 2009 1.1K Views

If I were asked to choose the most valuable two pages of any medical book ever written, I would not hesitate to nominate pages 196-197 of Healing the Gerson Way. They present a very concise listing of the full Gerson nutritional therapy as an ""Hourly Schedule for Typical Cancer Patients.""

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