
Should You Do A Colonic? (The Surprising Benefits To Consider)

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jan 19, 2018 55K Views

It can be an uncomfortable topic, in more ways than one, but colonic hydrotherapy has played a key role in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. Discover why we love them and how they can boost your overall health.


13 Ways To Improve Your Lung Health According To Chinese Medicine

by The Chalkboard Mag Sep 07, 2019 7.0K Views

The lung’s energy and role—as seen in Chinese medicine—is that of making a boundary between the inner and outer world.


Nutritionist Weighs Up The Pros And Cons Of Hollywood Diets

by Fiona Tuck Oct 05, 2017 6.3K Views

Hollywood Diet Trends: Vegan, FODMAP, Keto... What are they, and what are the pros and cons?


Everything You Need To Know About Greens Powders (FREE Podcast!)

by James Colquhoun Sep 10, 2013 1.7K Views

Do you feel there's something missing in your diet to help bring you to the next level of health and wellness? Are you wondering what to look for in a greens powder? Listen to this amazing free podcast, where James Colquhoun answers all your questions and sheds light on the amazing benefits of drinking greens!!


Apple Cider Vinegar: 4 Ways

by Rachel Morrow Jul 11, 2017 6.9K Views

Apple Cider Vinegar has been touted for many health benefits and no wholefoods kitchen is truly complete without it! It is naturally alkalizing, offers a lovely tart flavor that ‘cuts through’ heavier textures and assists in drawing out the wonderful, beautifying, skin-healing and gut-sealing collagen from bones.


9 Simple Steps to Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome

by James Colquhoun Nov 22, 2016 36K Views

Heard of Leaky Gut Syndrome and wondering what the fuss is about? Discover what this hot-topic health issue is all about and what we can do to heal it.


The Real Effects of Meatless Monday

by Stephanie Weeks Oct 30, 2015 1.7K Views

A popular trend call 'Meatless Monday' has begun. But why and how would you benefit? Discover how this will help you save some money and boost your health!


12 Foods Happy People Eat

by James Colquhoun Nov 11, 2014 21K Views

These delicious natural ingredients are loaded with healthy fats and vitamins that affect your brain, giving you a welcome boost to your mood!


Our Beauty Expert Shares the Do’s & Don’ts of Inflammatory Skincare

by Nadine Brown Aug 17, 2021 1.5K Views

Does endless inflammation and acne have you on your last hope? Maybe you’re wondering if there’s something in your skincare that’s aggravating it? And what can you actually do to nourish your skin with natural skincare that really works? It’s a minefield of misinformation, made popular by influencers and social media, so it comes as no surprise that determining fact from fiction is challenging. This is why I wanted to dive into this topic a little deeper.


How Eating Spicy Food Can Reduce Your Risk of Death By 40%

by Tess Patrick Jun 03, 2021 906 Views

Regardless of your preference, emerging research is proving a case for chili peppers. This is exactly how eating spicy food can reduce your risk of death by as much as 40%.

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