
Quick And Healthy Post-Workout Snacks (Recipes)

by The Food Matters Team Aug 12, 2015 2.4K Views

These post-workout snacks are great ways to boost your protein intake without any animal products in sight! They'll tempt your taste buds, replenish your muscles and help suppress your appetite!


7 Health Benefits of Cold Showers & Cold Exposure

by Rachel Morrow Jul 18, 2019 35K Views

Coldwater immersion (or hydrotherapy) supports the body’s innate healing power by activating the immune, lymphatic, circulatory, and digestive systems. It is such a simple yet profound way to boost your health and vitality.


5 Health Benefits Of Oregano Oil

by The Chalkboard Mag Nov 21, 2015 4.5K Views

It's that time of the year that our bodies need a little extra TLC. There's one little herb that has gone unnoticed until now. Thanks to The Chalkboard Mag the little super-herb, Oregano is in the spotlight!


The Truth About Vitamin D

Mar 29, 2010 1.3K Views

Help protect your body against disease and boost your immune system with a cheap and readily available natural product. Research has shown that Vitamin D is effective in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis yet there remains an alarming rate of people that are deficient in this vital mineral.


9 Simple Steps to Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome

by James Colquhoun Nov 22, 2016 36K Views

Heard of Leaky Gut Syndrome and wondering what the fuss is about? Discover what this hot-topic health issue is all about and what we can do to heal it.


Does Having A Flu Shot Mean I Won't Get The Flu?

Feb 02, 2013 682 Views

It seems that wherever you look we're being advised to get the flu shot. Does it work? What are the dangers? Could I still get the flu after my shot? What can I do to naturally protect myself during the flu season?


Best Herbs For Allergy Relief (And How To Use Them!)

Jun 06, 2016 7.2K Views

Springtime is beautiful, but it can cause havoc on your allergies! Find out the best herbs for relief and stop the sneezing in its tracks!


Kefir: What Is It And Why Should You Use It

by Cyndi O'Meara Oct 25, 2015 21K Views

Our ancestors were well aware of its healing power with ‘kefir’ originating from the Turkish word ‘Keyif’, which means ‘good feeling’. Find out what the fermentation process does and why it is so good for you!


Top 5 Ways to Take Action Against HPV

by Courtney Miller Aug 18, 2018 5.6K Views

HPV, or the human papillomavirus, is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States with more than 79 million Americans infected and 14 million more being infected each year.


Your Travel Checklist: Top 5 Things to Take on the Plane

by James Colquhoun Dec 11, 2018 2.4K Views

The holiday season is here and for some of us that means long-haul flights, layovers, train rides, and countless ride shares – so how do we keep ourselves from running out of steam? (Or at least looking like we have). We’ve come up with a few of our favorite things to take on a plane this Christmas that might just keep mum from telling you “you look tired”.

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