
Could Root Canal Be Linked to Cancer?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 02, 2019 6.8K Views

Each year in the United States more than 25 Million root canal procedures are performed by dentists who believe they are delivering a safe and permanent fix for patients suffering from an infected tooth. Is it safe or could it be linked to cancer?


The Best Diet For Inflammation

by Tess Patrick Jan 03, 2022 1.5K Views

How do you go about remedying any underlying inflammation? Good quality, anti-inflammatory foods of course. In the past, we’ve covered some of our favorite individual foods, but if you’re looking to go even deeper into your diet, there is one that is favored by medical professionals and holistic practitioners alike, for its proven results in reducing inflammation.


The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Health Every Morning

by James Colquhoun Dec 20, 2019 23K Views

One of the easiest and best things you can do to support your health on so many levels is to simply treat yourself to a glass of filtered water with freshly squeezed lemon juice every morning. Here's why I love this morning ritual.


10 Powerful Plant-Based Ingredients We're Loving!

by Rachel Morrow Jun 07, 2018 2.2K Views

Discover 10 powerful plant-based ingredients we are loving right now, along with their health benefits and recipes to help you learn how to use them!


Cholesterol: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

by Justin Smith Aug 24, 2015 1.5K Views

It is difficult to imagine that a pharmaceutical approach to lowering cholesterol could have a downside. After all, cholesterol is associated to so many health issues, right? Or so it seems. We are revealing some of the great cholesterol myths!


The Powerful Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet with Ocean Robbins

by James Colquhoun Aug 24, 2021 2.5K Views

In this episode with Ocean Robbins, our conversation centers around an anti-inflammatory diet, the overwhelming health benefits of this lifestyle, and the top foods to eat to support it. Ocean explores the key factors that contribute to inflammation and, if left unaddressed, the long-term implications of chronic cases.


Should We Think Twice About Taking Antibiotics?

by Lynda Griparic Jun 05, 2016 3.0K Views

Antibiotics are medicines used to treat infections or diseases caused by bacteria. However, overusing this medicine can create issues.


10 Ancient Medicinal Herbal Remedies That Actually Work

by Renae Redgen Dec 13, 2016 75K Views

The healing power of traditional herbal remedies is often underestimated. Check out these 10 ancient medicinal herbs that actually work!


5 Exciting Reasons to Discover Kohlrabi

by Diane Coupal Dec 05, 2015 2.2K Views

Move over kale. Kohlrabi is about to enjoy a resurgence in popularity and with good reason! Here are 5 exciting reasons why kohlrabi is worth adding to your diet!


7 Powerful Health Benefits Of Acai Berry

by Maia Megryan Oct 07, 2016 25K Views

From cancer fighting agents to powerful immune boosting qualities, acai is the native berry that can work wonders on our health. Maia Megryan shares why we need more of this superfood berry in our lives!

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