
10 Ingredients Every Plant-Based Pantry Needs

by James Colquhoun Aug 13, 2019 29K Views

The benefits of a plant-based diet are abundant, but in order to get the most out of this healthy lifestyle choice, you should be well organized with a pantry stocked with the key ingredients to make your own delicious and nutritious meals.


7 Health Benefits of Garlic

by Tess Patrick Feb 01, 2020 2.8K Views

Garlic. A fragrant kitchen staple that punches well above its weight, but has developed a bad reputation for bad breath. Aside from warding off vampires and making a beautiful pasta sauce, garlic also houses a powerful compound - allicin. It’s mouthwatering, it’s satiating, and there’s an evergrowing list of health benefits that make a case for Team Garlic. Learn more about the health benefits of garlic.


Healthier Alternatives To Plastic Tupperware

by James Colquhoun Apr 05, 2016 27K Views

Say-no to plastic and hello to eco-friendly tupperware with this round-up of our favorite alternatives to keep your health and the environment as healthy as possible!


Women's Health: Hormone Balancing Food Plan

Dec 16, 2012 3.4K Views

If you’re experiencing these common symptoms, you’re probably overdue to make this change to your eating habits.


10 Most Common GMO Foods To Avoid

by Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, MD Feb 27, 2016 48K Views

With the debate continuing to swirl around genetically modified foods (GMO's), consumers and shoppers are left confused about shopping for food and how to best feed their families. While it may not be a possible to avoid GMO's completely, knowing the most common foods with GMO's may help navigate the grocery store aisles better. Unfortunately, unless a food is now labeled organic or non-GMO verified, then chances are that it does contain genetically modified organisms.


Juicing vs. Blending: Which One Is Better?

Jul 01, 2021 164K Views

Juices and smoothies both play an important role in any wellness program. We know both are beneficial but in very different ways. Here's a comparison that explains the differences between juicing vs. blending.


Top 10 Health Documentaries Of All Time

by James Colquhoun Sep 24, 2015 13K Views

At Food Matters we love sharing powerful lifesaving messages with as many people as possible, this is why we created Food Matters in the first place. We wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't continue to share all of these films with you!


Is Obesity Related To Cancer? (Plus 10 Ways To Prevent Both)

Jan 13, 2015 212 Views

With cancer rates and obesity on the rise, is it possible that they could be closely linked? Discover what the latest research has uncovered, and 10 easy prevention steps we should all be doing.


What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You? 9 Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Jul 19, 2012 18K Views

Suffering from headaches, itchy eyes and throat, chapped lips or constipation? These are all little signs that our body is trying to alert us there are imbalances that need to be taken care of. Find out which signs you shouldn't ignore, and what to do about them.


Daily Healthy No-Cook Meal Plan: Overnight Oats, Avocado Wraps and Tuna Boats

by Elizabeth Rider Jun 20, 2017 7.1K Views

A little sweet, a little savory, and a whole lot of time saved! These are the perfect recipes for when you’re feeling tempted by convenient fast food.

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