
The Best and Worst Foods For Your Teeth

by James Colquhoun Feb 19, 2019 3.4K Views

Just like every other part of the body, teeth need specific nutrients to thrive. To help you keep those biters pearly white and fit for healthy feasting, here's our list of foods to enjoy and foods to avoid for better oral health.


Rediscovering Ancestral Nutrition for Ultimate Health

by James Colquhoun Nov 22, 2020 278 Views

Many of us are armed with the knowledge of holistic health and nutrition, but we’re unsure where to go from there. But the next step is learning how to eat consciously, intuitively, and sustainably - and when you do, your health will thrive.


Is Bacteria Controlling Your Brain?

by Amethyst Tagney Mar 01, 2018 5.7K Views

Although the bacteria in question resides in your digestive tract, scientists have reason to believe microbes can communicate and alter the way our brains function. Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and autism are thought to be linked to the microbiome that lives inside us.


Upgrade Your Shopping Cart With Christa Orecchio

by Christa Orecchio Sep 18, 2017 1.4K Views

What we put in our grocery basket makes up our health, so let’s make every item count.


9 Health Benefits of Sweet Potato

by James Colquhoun Jun 15, 2021 15K Views

If you’re a lover of french fries and mashed potato, but dedicated to living a healthier lifestyle, you’ll probably have met their nutrient-packed cousin, the sweet potato. In America, sweet potatoes, or yams, are often used in sweeter dishes or for festive occasions, but here at Food Matters, we love to use them in everything! Think sweet potato fries from a trendy dive bar or an upgrade to your simple steamed veggies. But aside from its delicious taste, why are people going crazy over this carb? Here are nine of my favorite health benefits of sweet potato that will make it your new dinner staple.


Apple Cider Vinegar - The Wonder 'Drug' of Yesterday and Today

Apr 07, 2011 34K Views

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular alternative health remedies in use today. It's easy to obtain, cheap and simple to use. Health benefits are wide spread and range from weight loss, treating heartburn and reversing diabetes.


5 Powerful Healing Benefits of Celery Juice

by Olivia Budgen Sep 17, 2018 296K Views

Did you know that pure celery juice has unique regenerating and healing properties? Here are 5 healing benefits of pure celery juice.


Your Complete Guide of Paleo Flours

by Miranda Ebner Mar 18, 2016 2.1K Views

If you eat within the Paleo realm, you're probably already an expert on almond flour and coconut flour, but what about cassava, chestnut and tigernut flour?


Back to Basics & Living Simply with Our Friends from Brightside Farm

by Bec Elyse May 20, 2020 580 Views

We first met Bec Elyse when she sent us some of her mouthwatering recipes for Chocolate Avocado Mousse and Raspberry Chia Jelly Slice, but after a few emails back and forth we got to know more and more about her lovely farm life here on the Sunshine Coast...


How To Improve Your Memory Naturally

by Janella Purcell Oct 12, 2015 6.4K Views

Want to know how to improve your memory naturally? It's possible, with a little exercise, good food and sunshine. Follow these tips!

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