
Homemade Jams With Chef Cynthia

by Chef Cynthia Louise Aug 03, 2018 1.2K Views

Once you've tasted your homemade jams, you'll never ever think about buying those from the store again.


Flourless Chocolate Brownie

by Chef Cynthia Louise Oct 28, 2018 6.5K Views

Rich, fudgy, flourless brownies that are perfectly chewy and dense!


Sleep-Promoting Evening Shake

by Rachel Morrow Jul 18, 2017 76K Views

The right pre-bedtime snack can help you sleep more soundly and wake up feeling fully energized. Here’s how to blend up a tasty glass for a good night’s sleep.


The Dangers of Toxic Tampons

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 01, 2017 6.6K Views

Do feminine hygiene companies have our best interest and health at heart? Find out which toxic chemicals that are lurking in the products women use every month and how you can avoid them.


Potential Hidden Toxins in Vitamins and Health Foods!

Mar 24, 2013 908 Views

Many people don't investigate what's really in the herb, vitamin and superfood supplements they purchase, assuming they must automatically be safe. Whilst they are generally safe, the natural products industry is not immune to the routine use of hidden toxins. Discover some of these ingredients here.


Warning: Is Your Shampoo Harming Your Health?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Feb 13, 2017 41K Views

The ingredients in personal care products can be harmful to our health. Find out if your shampoo is a product you should be wary of.


How to Unlock the Healing Power of Food

by The Food Matters Team Apr 22, 2024 4.3K Views

Did you know you can unlock the power of food to keep your body healthy? It's true - food can be like medicine! Eating lots of good foods with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and nutrients can help your gut, fight inflammation, boost your immune system so you don't get sick, keep your brain sharp, control your blood sugar levels, and even make your skin glow. When you think of nutritious whole foods as medicine and make smart choices, you're using food's real power to take care of your whole body from the inside out.


3 Techniques Every Overwhelmed Gardener Should Use

by Lynn Gillespie Sep 23, 2016 5.8K Views

Whether it’s a pot of your favorite herbs or a veggie garden with the works, Lynn Gillespie shares three techniques for maintaining a thriving garden.


How to Heal Estrogen Dominance Naturally

by The Chalkboard Mag May 16, 2019 3.7K Views

Food is medicine we don’t mean that as a metaphor. When it comes to addressing common yet uncomfortable conditions like hormonal imbalance it can be tempting to take aggressive measures. What we really need is to be gentle to our bodies, to listen to their cry for help and to treat them with the best care in the form of good, natural nourishment.


3 Healthy Meals You Can Make In Under 10 Minutes

by Rachel Morrow Apr 04, 2017 17K Views

Not many people would believe us when we say these 3 meals could be made in under 10 minutes, so we filmed them in the Food Matters Kitchen to show you just how easy and quick it can be to create some 10 minute wonders!

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