964 SEARCH RESULTS PREVIEW FOR: green smoothie


Stress-Free Morning Habits

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 11, 2020 4.9K Views

Each day we awake with the same offering; a chance to start anew. An offering to approach the day ahead with a certain mindset. A minute to start the day as we mean to go on. It sounds blissful when you romanticize it like this, only the reality is often somewhat more chaotic...


10 Quick and Easy Snacks to Grab and Go!

by James Colquhoun Aug 12, 2015 3.9K Views

Make these 10 healthy snacks in less than 10 minutes!


6 Ways to Sneak Superfoods Into Your Child's Meal

by Lee Holmes Mar 05, 2016 2.0K Views

Learn some delicious ways to hide vegetables in food!


5 Foods to Help Fight Cancer

by Liana Werner-Gray Oct 02, 2020 11K Views

The doctors and nutritional experts with whom I have spoken, and the articles and research studies I have spent a decade reading, all point to the same information: As much as 75 percent of cancer can be linked to our choices. The good news, however, is that we also have proof that specific foods are useful for preventing and healing cancer.


Breakfast Foods I Won't Feed My Kids

by Guy Lawrence May 25, 2015 24K Views

Making time for a healthy breakfast is ideal for achieving a healthy metabolism, balanced weight, good concentration levels and making good food choices for the rest of the day. But what you eat makes all the difference!


Why Having A Good Diet Isn't The Only Answer To Being Healthy

by Tom Cronin Aug 03, 2017 7.1K Views

So you drink kale and spinach smoothies each day and you eat only organic food. Yep, you have it all sussed out. But are you remembering to nourish the most important part of your body?


Food Matters Healthy Holiday Shopping Guide

by James Colquhoun Dec 09, 2020 5.3K Views

The holidays represent a special time for gifts and family gatherings. And at Food Matters, we believe that you are what you eat (and what you put on your body) so here are our top healthy holiday gifts for 2020!


A Mother's Story Of How She Helped Her Son To Thrive

by James Colquhoun Mar 23, 2015 1.0K Views

We chat with Charlotte Carr to find out how she's helping her baby thrive with wholefoods, and her awesome tips for you to do the same.


10 Breakfasts You Can Make In Under 10 Minutes

by Rachel Morrow Mar 13, 2020 93K Views

Does time seem to slip through your fingers first thing in the morning? Here are 10 super-fast, nutrient-packed and totally delicious breakfast recipes you can make in no time!


5 Lessons Gestational Diabetes Taught Me

by Joanna Steven Jun 10, 2016 6.4K Views

Controlling diabetes during pregnancy can be easier than you think.

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