
’Tis The Season For Pumpkins (Plus Superfood Packed Recipe)

Oct 27, 2014 1.9K Views

With Autumn well underway in the US, it’s only natural to embrace the pumpkin! Discover 5 reasons why you should be eating them now. Plus we have a easy as pie (pun intended), superfood packed pumpkin recipe for you!


Breakout Busting Smoothie

by Claire Murray May 07, 2016 8.0K Views

This smoothie recipe truly is a fantastic example of food as medicine, and is literally bursting with skin supporting foods. Ita??s also filling, nourishing and delicious too!


7 Of Our Favorite Recipes From The Food Matters Live Tour!

by James Colquhoun Mar 01, 2016 504 Views

Did you join us on our Food Matters Live Australian Tour? Maybe you tuned into the Live Stream with everyone from around the globe? If you missed out, here's a roundup of some of our favorite recipes we created throughout the day!


Meditation Expert Says Thoughts In Meditation Are A Good Thing!

by Tom Cronin Jul 17, 2016 2.5K Views

Almost all of us struggle with clearing our mind when we try to meditate and relax. Tom Cronin shares his tips and explains how researches claim being filled with thoughts is not a bad thing!


What You Need To Know About PCOS & Menstruation

by Ralph Moorman Apr 02, 2016 1.7K Views

This syndrome involves the ripening of not just one, but several egg cells at a time. As a result, ovulation may not occur or at varying times, resulting in an irregular period or none at all. But what do you really know about this?


7 Natural Ways To Bounce Back From A Fibromyalgia Flare-Up

by James Colquhoun Jul 17, 2017 21K Views

While there are currently no known cures for fibromyalgia, there are still some great ways to help alleviate the symptoms and bounce back from flare-ups. Check out our top 7 here...


5 Things To Try Right Now To Boost Your Energy!

by James Colquhoun Feb 13, 2017 2.2K Views

The Whole Health Life is a practical, easy-to-follow guide on how you can learn get healthy, find balance and live better in today’s modern society. Written by Shannon Harvey, author, journalist and filmmaker behind the feature documentary, The Connection: Mind Your Body, we share the key take-aways we enjoyed from this new book.


5 Herbs To Calm Anxiety (Without Being Drowsy)

Mar 29, 2014 218K Views

If you're tired of running on adrenaline and feeling like a ball of tension, try these 5 natural herbs. They are known to be effective for calming the body and, most importantly, they're drug free.


12 Essential Oils for Mother’s Day

by Laurentine ten Bosch May 02, 2018 2.0K Views

You’ve probably heard from your friends, family, or even seen on social media, that essential oils are now a part of everyday life. What exactly can essential oils be used for? How do I use them? Watch this video with Essential Oil Expert to learn more!


How To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories (Free Expert Interview)

by Dr. Libby Weaver May 05, 2018 8.8K Views

For too many people, it doesn’t seem to matter what they eat or how much exercise they do, their clothes just seem to keep getting tighter. But weight loss is as simple as burning more energy than the calories you consume, right? Well, unfortunately it’s not as simple as that.

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