
The Healing Benefits of Foot Reflexology Massage

by James Colquhoun Feb 27, 2017 59K Views

From head to toe, foot reflexology can help you with almost every part of your body. Here are the top 4 points you need to know.


8 Ways To Naturally Keep Your Joints Healthy

by Dr. Libby Weaver Aug 23, 2015 86K Views

The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself, however, as we begin to age our joints often need extra TLC. Discover 8 natural ways to assist keeping those joints nice and healthy!


Alternative therapies could save the NHS money, says report commissioned by Prince Charles

Apr 21, 2009 28 Views

Many complementary treatments could make an important contribution to health care in the United Kingdom, says a report commissioned by the Prince of Wales and published this week.


10 Natural Ways to Debloat Quickly

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 11, 2017 47K Views

When your clothes feel too tight, your belly is uncomfortable, and you’re feeling self-conscious, reach for one of these naturally anti-bloating tricks!


8 Ways to Naturally De-Stress at Home

by James Colquhoun Nov 26, 2019 21K Views

De-stress, pamper and support your body through daily stresses with these holistic self-love strategies to have you feeling incredible in no time.


Natural Treatment for Infertility

Oct 12, 2009 600 Views

Many couples can attest to the devastation of trying to start a family - unsuccessfully. Detoxifying and optimizing your health naturally can prime your body for that precious conception.


Natural Support for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

by Sandi Louise Ross Mar 11, 2016 1.8K Views

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common disorders in women, and is a leading cause of female subfertily, menstrual dysfunction and infertility.


5 Ways To Naturally Balance Your Hormones

by Mary Vance Apr 30, 2016 3.3K Views

Do you struggle with PMS, bloating, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, acne, sugar cravings, insomnia? We are socialized to believe that these symptoms are an inevitable part of fluctuating cyclical hormones, but they are signs that your hormones are not optimally balanced.


Why Am I Always So Tired?

by Caroline Scott Mar 25, 2016 6.7K Views

Ever wondered why you are so tired all of the time? You're not the only one! Time to find out some tips to help you beat the fatigue!


GUIDE: Natural Solutions For Insomnia

by James Colquhoun Apr 05, 2016 8.7K Views

Can't sleep? Try these naturopath-guided solutions to help rid insomnia and give you a good night's sleep naturally.

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