
My Favorite Adaptogens for Stress & Fatigue

by Tess Patrick May 25, 2020 3.7K Views

Plant medicines and healing herbs are the future of healing. The funny thing is that they’ve been around for centuries and we’re only just beginning to embrace their powers in the Western world. Adaptogens, in particular...


Foods To Help You Fight Stress

Jan 25, 2012 392 Views

Take the quiz in this article to pinpoint your stress type. If you answer yes to three or more questions in any section, just follow the expert nutritional advice for a slimmer, calmer, healthier life.


5 Ways An Acupuncturist Manages Stress

by The Chalkboard Mag Sep 03, 2015 1.2K Views

Stressed out? Join the club. Put down the coffee, take a deep breath, and learn how to destress with a holistic professional we love.


6 Simple Rituals for Overcoming Stress & Anxiety

by Tess Patrick Jun 09, 2020 2.1K Views

How often do you feel you are burning your candle at both ends? That no matter how hard you try to destress or what boundaries you set, the to-do list gets longer and you find it harder to catch your breath?


Do Women Experience Stress Differently To Men?

by Delia McCabe Jan 29, 2021 182 Views

Does it matter? And is it due to nurture or nature? The discussion about differences between the male and the female brain can quickly descend into a slinging match between these two groups. If you've ever wanted to understand how your partner, friend, or family member experiences stress, read on to discover.


NOW LIVE: Episode 2 - Overcoming Fear & Stress

by James Colquhoun Nov 03, 2018 1.9K Views

Episode 2 of TRANSCENDENCE - Live Life Beyond the Ordinary is now live!


What Fear, Stress, & Forgiveness Have In Common

by James Colquhoun Jul 02, 2019 14K Views

26-year-old Chris Wark survived cancer by battling fear, stress, and forgiveness using this simple, powerful link. This is the incredible truth about fear, stress, and forgiveness.


6 Tips for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving

by James Colquhoun Nov 23, 2021 409 Views

If you can get through the holiday season relatively stress-free, then you’ve done a wonderful job. If you’re someone who is prone to stress easily, don’t worry, here are six tips for a stress-free Thanksgiving.


10 Ways Deep Breathing Can Relieve Stress

by James Colquhoun Mar 17, 2020 3.0K Views

There is a difference between taking a breath and mindfully breathing; studies have found connections between mindful breathing and state of mind. If a flow of oxygen can influence our brain, the benefits of breathwork are limitless.


Try This 10-Minute Stress Relieving Technique

by James Colquhoun Jul 10, 2018 2.5K Views

Why is breath Important? Breathing deeply allows the maximum amount of oxygen to enter your body and reach your cells. Our cells thrive on oxygenation. Join James for a morning breathwork class that will open up your diaphragm, expand your intercostal muscles and provide your lungs with a gentle internal massage.

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