
8 Easy Healthy Eating Tricks You Wish You Knew Sooner!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 23, 2015 19K Views

Sometimes it only takes a small change to have a big effect on your health. Try these easy healthy eating tips to boost your health and wellness naturally.



by James Colquhoun Jan 12, 2016 556 Views

The health and wellness trends of 2016 according to the Food Matters team! Do you agree?


6 Healing Benefits Of Probiotics

May 16, 2012 153K Views

After years of bad eating habits that left your gut inflamed and irritated, start treating your digestive system right! Start with this natural gut-healing recipe that uses the power of these whole foods to beat inflammation.


Plant-Based Beauty Boosters

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 19, 2018 1.5K Views

To support the work of a balanced diet in creating glowing, healthy skin, there are some great products to check out that won’t jeopardize your health or the planet. Your approach to what you put on the outside should be the same as what you put inside.


Top 10 Vegetarian Sources Of Protein

Mar 16, 2013 52K Views

One of the most common questions asked of vegetarians and vegans is, "Where do you get your protein?" In actual fact, many plant foods contain some amounts of protein, and it's very easy to get your daily protein requirements from these foods. Discover the top 10 vegetarian sources of protein.


7 Natural Remedies For Bad Breath

Feb 18, 2013 109K Views

There are few things more unpleasant and uncomfortable in social situations than talking to someone with bad breath. For many people, grabbing a mint or a piece of gum is their go-to solution, as it quickly masks the problem. But this approach often fails to address the root causes of bad breath, which for many people includes dietary deficiency. The reality is that bad breath can be caused by some health conditions, foods and even habits.


A Simple Guide To Digestive Wellness

by Sarah Hawthorne Dec 11, 2016 12K Views

Do you suffer from digestive upset? Here are some tips to help ease the discomfort.


6 Unusual Ways to Heal The Gut

by James Colquhoun Aug 28, 2018 4.7K Views

As most of our Food Matters friends would know, we’re huge advocates for a healthy gut and the prosperous health benefits it brings – but what you might not know are the ways in which you can heal your gut naturally. In this article, we will navigate our way through the intestinal tract to discover what makes our gut tick and 6 natural alternatives to keep us happy and healthy.


10 Health & Wellness Books To Read This Year!

by James Colquhoun Dec 21, 2017 3.8K Views

If you are lucky enough to catch a few days or moments to yourself these holidays, sinking into a thought provoking piece of literature is about as renewing as sinking into a warm bath. We’ve selected a collection of books that not only support your health and wellness through instruction but also through the beauty and thoughtfulness of the writing itself. The benefits of enjoying a good book are immeasurable. We hope you can find something you love in here!


5 Unusual Causes of Eczema & How To Get Relief Naturally

by Alle Weil Oct 27, 2017 18K Views

We’re taking a closer look at some of the more unusual causes and triggers of irritated skin and how to get relief from the symptoms naturally.

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