
How To Break Free From Your Beliefs

by James Colquhoun May 17, 2020 986 Views

By recognizing these fatal flaws in our cultural systems, ideologies, and beliefs, we can begin to explore new and creative opportunities for the future. Episode 1 of Transcednence 2 leaves us with the question; if we can’t go back, what is the best way forward?


Sitting All Day? 6 Simple Yoga Poses You Should Be Doing

Sep 30, 2021 2.4K Views

According to researchers, the average person sits for 9.3 hours daily. This is significantly more than the 7.5 hours of shut-eye that the typical American gets each night! One of the most simple things we can do to start reversing the effects on our body is by moving our body with some deep beautiful yoga stretches. Keep reading to try these simple yoga poses.


Sleepless Nights? Have You Tried This?

Mar 15, 2010 5.0K Views

Imagine how you'd feel if, by making simple changes, you could start to sleep through the night, waking up fresh and energized. Read this fascinating article on what you can do today to sleep better.


What Not To Do To Prevent The Flu

by Meredith Youngson Oct 24, 2015 3.0K Views

When it comes down to staying healthy, prevention through food and lifestyle habits are key. Keep these 5 tips in mind to keep your system protected during this fall and winter!


6 Skincare Habits That Will Dull Your Glow Or Make You Shine

by The Chalkboard Mag Mar 23, 2018 9.0K Views

Here are five daily skincare habits you can try to create flawless skin without spending your hard-earned dollars on chemical-filled skin creams or invasive surgeries.


The Link Between Health & Hormones

by James Colquhoun Sep 10, 2015 5.2K Views

Do you ever wonder why your attempts at weight loss fail, despite seemingly doing everything right? One thing that is continuously overlooked is how our hormones play a role in this!


How to Control Your Emotions Rather Than be a Slave to Them

by Laurentine ten Bosch Feb 08, 2021 15K Views

Emotions create energy in the body and when negative energy is stored in the body it can have a long-term effect on your health and in some cases, lead to chronic disease and illness.


How To Meditate like a Master with Octavio Salvado

by James Colquhoun Feb 08, 2022 329 Views

New to meditation? Do you find it challenging to sit still? Today's interview might share a new perspective on the practice of meditation...


6 Ways To Treat Psoriasis Naturally

by Tess Patrick Jul 20, 2020 2.3K Views

Only those living with psoriasis will understand how truly debilitating the autoimmune disorder can be. But the battle is not lost. Mounting research shows that there are increasing ways to treat psoriasis naturally.


Our Favorite At Home Yoga Flows

by Ivette Rieksts Aug 19, 2016 5.1K Views

Do you flow at home? With increasingly busy life schedules and premium-priced yoga memberships, what better way to continue your practice than at home with guided yoga classes from FMTV! So roll out your yoga mat, find a quiet space and get ready to zen out with the Food Matters team’s carefully curated home yoga flows.

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