4 Soothing Teas For the Nervous System
Utilizing the goodness of herbal tea and its therapeutic components is one of the most effective ways to nourish your nervous system, as well as prevent stress from having an ill effect on your health.
10 Reasons To Add Chia Seeds Into Your Diet
Don’t be fooled by their size! These mini superfoods pack a punch for your blood pressure, digestion and more.
15 Most Dangerous Drugs Big Pharma Don't Want You to Know About
In the pharmaceutical industry's rush to get drugs to market, safety usually comes last. And the public suffers. Here is a list of the 15 most dangerous drugs, from birth control to anti-depressant make sure you watch out for these ones in particular.

Staring At A Screen All Day? Here Are 3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Eyes
Our eyes are pretty amazing organs. We get to witness the outside world with them. We are living in a world where our digital screen time and lifestyle is slowing down our eye's efficiency due to continuous stress. Learn 3 things we are doing daily to help protect our eyes.

These 24 Common Food Additives May Increase Anxiety And Depression in Kids
Research has shown that the food additives used in hundreds of children's foods and drinks can cause temper tantrums and disruptive behavior. Many parents turn to psychotropic drugs, but why not just remove these foods from the diet?

Eat Your Way To Happiness! The Top Foods That Elevate Your Mood
The top nutrients that elevate your mood, help ease anxiety, manage stress and fight off depression.

4 Medicinal Mushrooms You Should Consider Taking Daily
You might have heard that the medicinal mushrooms trend is on the rise. Here are 4 that range in use from your early morning pick-me-up, through brain food, a pre-workout boost, and a stress-busting nightcap.
Powerful Longevity Foods
It has now become more clear to us that our genetics are not necessarily the reason for longevity. Read this article to find out which foods are best for increasing our lifespan.
7 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning
Struggling to get out of bed in the morning with a smile on your face? Every morning we get the chance to be grateful for a new day though sometimes you just aren't 'feeling it'. These 7 things will help you set the tone for a productive, happy and healthy day.

5 Simple Ways to Add Magnesium Into Your Routine
Our bodies rely on magnesium to maintain blood pressure, recovery, energy levels, and much more. Trouble is, many of us are deficient. Here are our 5 simple ways to add magnesium into your routine.