964 SEARCH RESULTS PREVIEW FOR: green smoothie


4 Funny Reasons People Hate Juicing

Jun 15, 2014 3.6K Views

We all know how amazing green juice is for our health. It’s a big part of what we talk about in Food Matters and Hungry For Change; it’s nature’s liquid multi-vitamin. But I bet we can all agree on some of the funny reasons people just can’t stand juicing! Luckily there are solutions.


Everything You Need To Know About Greens Powders (FREE Podcast!)

by James Colquhoun Sep 10, 2013 1.7K Views

Do you feel there's something missing in your diet to help bring you to the next level of health and wellness? Are you wondering what to look for in a greens powder? Listen to this amazing free podcast, where James Colquhoun answers all your questions and sheds light on the amazing benefits of drinking greens!!


Kale, Broccoli, Cucumber Salad

by Belinda Kirkpatrick Apr 14, 2018 7.3K Views

This super green salad goes well with most meals but is also really good on its own. It may help relieve relative estrogen excess, so add it to your regular diet if you suffer from fatigue, easy weight gain, sugar cravings, heavy periods or mood swings.


15 Vegan Breakfasts To Start Your Day!

by Laurentine ten Bosch May 11, 2016 25K Views

Are you searching for vegan or dairy-free breakfast options that are fun, flavorsome and brimming with goodness? These scrumptious meals are a sensation at the breakfast table and will fuel your body with the very best nutrition to kickstart the day!


Jim Kwik’s Top 11 Brain-Boosting Foods

by James Colquhoun Jun 11, 2019 9.6K Views

If you’re feeling like your brain is foggy, slow and you’re finding it hard to remember things and generally keep on top of your day-to-day life, you might need to add more of these brain-boosting foods to your diet. Learning and brain expert Jim Kwik shares his top foods to help you work your brain to reach your full potential.


Healthiest Foods To Start Your Day

by Laurentine ten Bosch May 25, 2016 4.3K Views

It's been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day - it kick starts the metabolism, fuels the body, improves concentration and so much more. Discover how you can fit optimal goodness in your daily breakfast!


5 Simple Ways to Add Magnesium Into Your Routine

by James Colquhoun Nov 13, 2018 3.7K Views

Our bodies rely on magnesium to maintain blood pressure, recovery, energy levels, and much more. Trouble is, many of us are deficient. Here are our 5 simple ways to add magnesium into your routine.


Looking For Strength, Endurance And Libido?

Jan 29, 2014 1.4K Views

This Peruvian superfood does all of the above, plus much more! It's packed with nutrients and can help balance hormones. Discover which super food we're talking about and why the ancient Incan tribes consumed it before battle, believing it would make them fiercely strong!


Why Blue Fruit Loops Are Banned in Australia & England, but Not America

by Tess Patrick Jul 12, 2021 6.4K Views

Did you know that there are such things as blue fruit loops? If you live in America of course you do. But I didn’t have a clue. That’s because blue fruit loops have been banned in Australia (as well as England), but for some reason, they’re still okay in America.


10 Things Unhappy People Have in Common

Jan 25, 2012 2.0K Views

We all want to be happy in some way or another. We strive each day to find the path of happiness whatever we think it is. But some of us come up way short. In a survey done by Planet Green, they found that most unhappy people tend to have a few things in common so here they are.

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