
Oil Pulling - The Habit That Can Transform Your Health

Apr 08, 2013 78K Views

An ancient Ayurvedic ritual, oil pulling was introduced to the modern world in 1992 by Dr. F. Karach, MD. who claimed that oil pulling could cure a variety of illnesses ranging from heart disease and digestive troubles to hormonal disorders. Discover here how this daily habit can transform your health in so many ways.


The Truth About Grassfed Beef

May 29, 2013 7.0K Views

People are caring more and more about the details of their beef. You probably are, too. So you’ll be happy to hear the verdict is in - this is what you need to know about grass-fed beef.


PlanEAT! Eating for you and the planet!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Jan 07, 2016 253 Views

Too often we forget about the detrimental harm our food choices are causing the environment, so we've put together a few ways to be mindful about the way we PlanEAT!


Looking For Strength, Endurance And Libido?

Jan 29, 2014 1.4K Views

This Peruvian superfood does all of the above, plus much more! It's packed with nutrients and can help balance hormones. Discover which super food we're talking about and why the ancient Incan tribes consumed it before battle, believing it would make them fiercely strong!


Raspberry Tart

by Laura Miller Sep 30, 2016 1.3K Views

Do you have a surplus of walnuts? Do you love using seasonal fruit? Then this is the raw tart for you.


Nutritious Morning Oatmeal

by Sofia da Silva Feb 06, 2016 2.5K Views

This oatmeal recipe is packed with nutrition and goodness from seeds and coconut. Why not make your morning porridge even healthier?


Our Favorite Snacks: Sweet Potato Fries

by The Food Matters Team Apr 04, 2016 3.0K Views

Craving fries? This healthy version is loaded with nutrients and tastes incredible!


Super Simple Green Smoothie

by The Food Matters Team Jun 25, 2015 11K Views

Boost your intake of greens with this super simple smoothie recipe. A definite go-to for the whole Food Matters Team!


The Most Popular Recipe in Our 21 Day Gluten Free Program

by James Colquhoun Jan 04, 2019 31K Views

Quick, easy, delicious! All it takes is two ingredients - banana and egg - for an amazing breakfast! Loaded with protein, they'??re a filling everyday treat!


Super Detox Green Juice

by James Colquhoun Jul 05, 2021 28K Views

Reduce inflammation of the digestive system and alkalize your body with this refreshing, cleansing juice! Packed with greens to detoxify, hydrate, and nourish your cells, it’s the perfect pick-me-up or healthy morning kickstart.

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