
7 Habits Harming Your Gut Health

by James Colquhoun Apr 07, 2017 53K Views

Some of these habits seem healthy at first glance- but there’s a big downside you need to know.


Using Natural Remedies For Pain And Inflammation

by The Food Matters Team Jun 23, 2018 1.8K Views

As a society, we often reach for the medicine cabinet for quick relief from pain. It is important to find an alternative to the consistent use of over-the-counter medications, as research is starting to show the negative long-term side effects these treatments can have on our body.


7 Herbs to Lessen Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

by Kate Dalton Jul 22, 2020 2.2K Views

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional bowel disorder. It may have underlying causes such as SIBO, food sensitivities, or abnormalities with digestive anatomy...


5-Minute Breathing Exercise to Keep You Grounded

by Ashley Aiken-Redon Nov 16, 2018 3.6K Views

A simple breathing technique that creates whole brain functioning by balancing the right and left hemispheres.


What Your Face Is Telling You About Your Health

by Laurentine ten Bosch Feb 24, 2016 144K Views

Have you ever wondered what your face is telling you about your health? Discover what signs your skin is showing and how you can bring back that radiantly healthy glow


Top 7 Contributing Factors To Chronic Illness

by Dr. Terry Wahls Mar 27, 2018 37K Views

After a personal battle with a debilitating auto-immune disease, Dr. Terry Wahls, clinical professor of medicine, changed the way she practiced medicine forever. She has pinpointed the top factors that influence chronic illness.


How 5 Minutes Of Meditation A Day Changed My Life

by Kelly Alexander Dec 26, 2017 7.8K Views

My biggest question to health experts, ‘If you could recommend just one thing people add to their lives to improve their overall wellbeing, what would that be?" I heard the same answer time and time again - Meditation. I was never a meditator, however these 5 reasons changed that!


Are You Too Fit to Become Pregnant?

by Vanessa Lamaro & Mary Martin Jul 13, 2017 1.3K Views

Gym junkie vs couch potato… fnding the right balance of exercise for successful conception


The Amazing Effects Meditation has on the Brain & Immune System

by James Colquhoun Nov 29, 2018 2.0K Views

Part of living a healthy, balanced life is being able to have a strong mind-body connection, and one of the of the best ways to achieve this is through meditation. Beyond just taking time out to relax and reset, meditation provides a massive list of proven health benefits that can affect and improve almost every aspect of your day-to-day life.


4 Ways to Balance Your Happy Hormones Naturally

by Dr. Libby Weaver May 03, 2019 8.7K Views

Do you often find yourself feeling like you got up on the wrong side of the bed? Fluctuating moods can completely change our experience of life, affecting not just how we feel about each and every day but also our relationships with those around us.

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