
How to Boost Your Immunity During Coronavirus Outbreak

by James Colquhoun Mar 13, 2020 60K Views

What we can’t quite understand is why everyone is bulk-buying toilet paper, to the point of chaos in supermarkets, but not stocking up on Vitamin C. So here are 11 ways to boost your immunity during the coronavirus outbreak.


5 Signs Your Hormones Are Out Of Whack

by James Colquhoun Sep 08, 2015 62K Views

Your body has amazing ways of showing you that things aren't quite working the way they should. Find out if your body is trying to tell you your hormones are out of balance.


This Is Central To Your Wellbeing

Jun 15, 2014 1.7K Views

Your thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body, essential for hormone production. It is often overlooked in ensuring our body is thriving. Discover how you to improve your overall wellbeing through the thyroid, you'll be happier, glowing & even lose weight!


13 Unexpected Ways Movement Improves Your Life

by Rachel Morrow Oct 29, 2019 2.6K Views

Regardless of your age, fitness level, or size, the evidence is strong for the mental health benefits that we can all receive from moving our bodies.


7 Preconception Tips to Give Your Baby the Best Start in Life

by Vanessa Lamaro & Mary Martin Dec 09, 2016 5.0K Views

Are you planning on becoming pregnant? Want to make sure you are giving both yourself and your baby the best start for your pregnancy journey? These tips can help you prepare your body for motherhood.


9 Longevity Hacks with Gregg Braden

by James Colquhoun Feb 23, 2020 5.0K Views

How wonderful would it be to live a life in an abundance of health, without fear of illness or death, for as long as we dreamed of? It seemed impossible until I dived head-first into the world of Gregg Braden. Armed with his knowledge, now almost anything seems possible. Learning the laws of longevity is great, but putting it into practice is a whole new story.


Doctors Prescribing Meditation Before Medication

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 02, 2019 4.5K Views

For what has long been considered an alternative treatment, meditation is becoming more mainstream, not only in the public realm but with medical doctors now more commonly prescribing it before medication for a number of conditions and symptoms.


I Tried a Breathwork Exercise for 21 Days and Here's What Happened

by Grace Mora Dec 02, 2018 4.3K Views

The term ‘take a breath’ is often thrown around in casual conversation, but how often do we actually practice what we preach? I tested this simple 5-minute practice for 21 days and here are 6 good reasons why you should start.


Are You Over-Caffeinated?

by Jessica Giljam Brown Oct 06, 2015 1.3K Views

One or two coffees, a cola with lunch, an energy drink in the afternoon, and a black tea at dinner. Sound familiar? Let's talk about the health effects of too much caffeine.


How Your Hormones Affect Your Whole Body (& What To Do About It)

by James Colquhoun Nov 20, 2020 976 Views

We’ve been conditioned to think that hormones are this awkward byproduct of puberty, that causes voices to break and acne to crop up at the most inconvenient times. Or the post-middle-age menopause symptoms of hot flushes and night sweats… Hormones are so much more than that. Discover the true purpose of hormones and how they are playing a role in your health.

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