Foods To Help You Fight Stress
Take the quiz in this article to pinpoint your stress type. If you answer yes to three or more questions in any section, just follow the expert nutritional advice for a slimmer, calmer, healthier life.
The Root Cause of Cancer Almost Universally Ignored by Doctors
Cancer rates have increased over the last 40 years and have now surpassed heart disease. In this article Dr Joseph Mercola discusses the root causes of cancer and shows us how we can best prevent it.

The Case For Composting
This year started out a little differently to most. I have three other roommates and a cat with a refined taste, and because we all enjoy different meals, we end up with a lot of food waste. We’re all quite environmentally conscious people, but we just couldn’t make it work all of the time.

3 Types of Meditation and Why You Should Try It
Meditation has been around for thousands of years. It's an incredible and profound tool, and what it does is it directs and refines human attention. Begin to understand the practice in this short extract from Tom Cronin's new book.

5 Tips if You're New to Meditating
Are you new to meditating? It certainly can be daunting to know where to start with meditation or feel you are doing it correctly!
5 Eating Tips To Live By
We all have those things we do daily that set us up for a beautiful day, here are just 5 simple things you can start doing daily to have you eating healthier and feeling better!
3 Reasons Why Practicing Gentle Yoga Can Help You to Heal
Are you unsure if yoga is right for you? Here are 3 reasons why I always like to recommend practicing gentle yoga for anyone looking to create long-term health, happiness and wellbeing: 1. Practicing Gentle Yoga Is Much More Effective Long-Term Than Dieting Practicing yoga works in a very different …

8 Easy Tips for Improving Your Quality of Life
Are you in the doldrums? Check out these eight easy tips for improving your quality of life.

The Amazing Effects Meditation has on the Brain & Immune System
Part of living a healthy, balanced life is being able to have a strong mind-body connection, and one of the of the best ways to achieve this is through meditation. Beyond just taking time out to relax and reset, meditation provides a massive list of proven health benefits that can affect and improve almost every aspect of your day-to-day life.
8 Simple Steps To A More Blissful Life
Gratitude, right? It's more than just saying thank you when someone picks up the bill. Here are 8 simple tips to show more gratitude in your daily life.