
How To Deal With Loss, Stress and Anxiety After A Natural Disaster

by Laurentine ten Bosch Sep 27, 2017 954 Views

As the sheer destruction of Hurricanes Irma and Maria comes to light, the equally devastating impact on the emotional and mental health of those swept up in these natural disasters is being felt.


4 Ways to Balance Your Happy Hormones Naturally

by Dr. Libby Weaver May 03, 2019 8.7K Views

Do you often find yourself feeling like you got up on the wrong side of the bed? Fluctuating moods can completely change our experience of life, affecting not just how we feel about each and every day but also our relationships with those around us.


7 Health Benefits of Fennel

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 31, 2021 782 Views

It may seem a little crazy to be this passionate about fennel, but when it comes to the health benefits on offer, the flavors are an added bonus. So what’s so great about fennel? Read on to find out.


5 Herbs To Calm Anxiety (Without Being Drowsy)

Mar 29, 2014 218K Views

If you're tired of running on adrenaline and feeling like a ball of tension, try these 5 natural herbs. They are known to be effective for calming the body and, most importantly, they're drug free.


10 Warning Signs You’re Chronically Dehydrated Without Knowing It

by James Colquhoun Mar 19, 2018 253K Views

Your head is pounding, you’re hungry all the time- watch out for these unexpected signs that you’re depriving your body of the water it needs to function properly!


Dr. Eric Z's Essential Oil Guide for Arthritis

by Dr. Eric Z Oct 09, 2016 16K Views

Anyone with arthritis needs this guide on how to use essential oils to ease their joint pain. Share this article with everyone you know suffering from arthritis!


How To Age Gracefully From The Inside Out

by Dr. Libby Weaver Nov 04, 2015 334 Views

Aging gracefully is something many of us aspire to do regardless of race, sex or age. In a world where we are bombarded with constantly changing and often conflicting messages it can be difficult to know what and how to do it well. Dr. Libby shares some secrets!


33 Household Products You Can Replace With a Single Jar of Coconut Oil

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 01, 2016 38K Views

Coconut oil has so many uses! You can use it in your hair, for beauty, for health, on your skin, for cooking and even weight loss! The benefits seem endless. Here are 33 uses to get the most out of your coconut oil jar.


Winding Back The Clock: Age Gracefully From The Inside Out

by Dr. Libby Weaver Apr 22, 2016 2.1K Views

Aging gracefully is something many of us aspire to do regardless of race, sex or age. In a world where we are bombarded with constantly changing and often conflicting messages it can be difficult to know what and how to do it well. Dr. Libby shares some secrets!


Natural Ways To Prevent and Reverse Autoimmune Illness

Aug 13, 2012 30K Views

Your digestive tract acts as your first line of defense against autoimmune disease. This article reviews several natural ways to protect yourself against autoimmune illness. In some cases, these steps outlined can actually reverse some of the degenerative changes that can accompany various autoimmune illnesses.

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