
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine and 3 ways it can help heal your body

by Sandi Louise Ross Feb 07, 2016 1.6K Views

Discover the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 3 ways that it can help heal your body.


6 Reasons You May Be Struggling With Bloating

by Tess Patrick Nov 11, 2021 3.3K Views

People are often quick to blame certain foods for their bloat, without considering all of the reasons you may be struggling with bloating. Here are a few of the most common reasons, just to help relieve some of that pressure…


Warning: Swine Flu H1N1 Vaccine Is Not Safe!

Oct 12, 2009 3.5K Views

This year it is more important that you protect your children and loved ones from the flu vaccines than influenza itself. Read this article before you take any vaccine whether its free or not.


7 Tips to Heal Your Digestion Naturally

by Katrina Love Senn Apr 08, 2016 12K Views

Heal your gut and your digestion naturally with these 7 nourishing and soothing tips.


It's just one meal. How bad could it be?

Dec 08, 2012 184 Views

Discover how some of the traditional holiday foods can wreak havoc on your cardiovascular health. Plus, learn how to manage holiday food temptations with ease.


The Secret to a Life of Radical Longevity

by James Colquhoun Feb 18, 2020 1.9K Views

By harmonizing our heart and brain, we can consciously decide how long we live for - true or false? We dive deep into the world of Gregg Braden and his ideas on how we chttps://www.foodmatters.com/admin/articles/article/2146/#an live a longer, healthier life, at one with ourselves.


9 Health Benefits of Sweet Potato

by James Colquhoun Jun 15, 2021 15K Views

If you’re a lover of french fries and mashed potato, but dedicated to living a healthier lifestyle, you’ll probably have met their nutrient-packed cousin, the sweet potato. In America, sweet potatoes, or yams, are often used in sweeter dishes or for festive occasions, but here at Food Matters, we love to use them in everything! Think sweet potato fries from a trendy dive bar or an upgrade to your simple steamed veggies. But aside from its delicious taste, why are people going crazy over this carb? Here are nine of my favorite health benefits of sweet potato that will make it your new dinner staple.


Natural Treatment for Infertility

Oct 12, 2009 600 Views

Many couples can attest to the devastation of trying to start a family - unsuccessfully. Detoxifying and optimizing your health naturally can prime your body for that precious conception.


The Hormone-Gut Connection: Key Hormones for Weight Loss

by Tess Patrick Oct 26, 2021 528 Views

If a healthy, sustainable weight loss journey is something you’re looking to embark on, here are some thoughts about holistic health to keep in mind, especially in regard to the hormone-gut connection, plus some key hormones for weight loss.


5 Unexpected Side Effects Of Constipation

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 21, 2018 116K Views

Most of us know the obvious signs of constipation, but what else could this condition be doing to your health? Discover five sneaky side effects of constipation, and how you can combat them to reclaim total wellness!

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