
5 Ways To Help Heal Chronic Illness

by Shannon Harvey Mar 16, 2015 627 Views

In order to change your health, there are some things you may not have thought of, like changing your mind! Shannon Harvey gives you 5 tips from her personal journey. Plus, find out more about watching 'The Connection' for FREE.


Did You Know You Can Treat Diabetes by Addressing What You Eat?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Sep 16, 2018 1.7K Views

Diabetes, specifically, is one of the largest, silent killers that is fast approaching epidemic proportions globally – but are there ways we can stop diabetes in its tracks, even when it’s already taken hold?


5 Ways To Stop Nighttime Grazing

by Sylvia North Jul 22, 2017 31K Views

It’s easy to fall into this bad habit, but here are 5 ways you can avoid it!


The Gut Brain Axis

by Dr. Libby Weaver Oct 25, 2018 4.5K Views

Science tells us that our brain, our gut, and our gut microbiome (the community of gut bugs living in our intestine) communicate with each other via the ‘microbiota-gut-brain axis’.


7 Health Benefits of Cold Showers & Cold Exposure

by Rachel Morrow Jul 18, 2019 35K Views

Coldwater immersion (or hydrotherapy) supports the body’s innate healing power by activating the immune, lymphatic, circulatory, and digestive systems. It is such a simple yet profound way to boost your health and vitality.


Do You Have 10 Minutes? 5 Short Yoga Flows to Get Your Body Moving

by Laurentine ten Bosch May 15, 2020 1.7K Views

Any time of day that you find yourself with 10 spare minutes and a longing for some presence is the perfect time to get your flow on. Here are 5 short 10-minute yoga flows to get your body moving.


Natural Ways To Manage High Blood Pressure

by James Colquhoun Mar 31, 2013 10K Views

Everything you need to know about stopping high blood pressure!


16 Must-Watch Titles for Transformation

by James Colquhoun Jun 17, 2020 11K Views

Have you used isolation to binge-watch everything new and noteworthy? Are you looking to fill your screen-time with something more stimulating? Since FMTV moved to its new home on Gaia, we’ve been rediscovering all of the best health films that have changed the way we live...


Hooked on Coffee? How to Make the Switch Plus 6 Delicious Alternatives!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 02, 2017 12K Views

Morning, mid morning, or afternoon pick-me-up. Have you considered how much caffeine you may be drinking in a day and the impact on your body?


Can Breathing Exercises Really Change Your Health?

by Shannon Harvey Sep 23, 2015 759 Views

Why is taking a few breaths going to be good for me? I breathe all day every day and in my sleep, without needing to think about it.

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