
I Tried the 4-Minute Technique Proven to Reduce Stress, Here’s What Happened

by Tess Patrick Feb 08, 2022 14K Views

Lately, the health and wellness community has been buzzing with ways we can level up our own experience of self-healing and proven techniques to reduce stress. Among all of the different tools and techniques to re-emerge, one has stuck out more than most. Tapping, or EFT, is praised as the 4-minute technique proven to reduce stress. I decided to dive into the unknown, and here's what happened.


What Causes Fibromyalgia And Is There A Cure?

by James Colquhoun Jul 27, 2016 44K Views

Fibromyalgia affects almost 50 million Americans, yet there is so much that we are constantly discovering about this complex condition. Uncover the latest research and find out what experts are recommending help manage Fibromyalgia, naturally!


5 Unusual Causes of Eczema & How To Get Relief Naturally

by Alle Weil Oct 27, 2017 18K Views

We’re taking a closer look at some of the more unusual causes and triggers of irritated skin and how to get relief from the symptoms naturally.


Leg Cramps, Muscle Spasms & Cramping

by James Colquhoun Oct 18, 2018 4.7K Views

Muscle cramping and spasms can be caused by a variety of factors and in most cases. During the period of spasm, the pain can be quite intense and the area in question is usually rendered temporarily immobile until the cramp passes. Learn why they occur and how you can prevent them.


7 Things You Need To Know About Fermented Foods

Oct 05, 2014 18K Views

How often are you eating fermented foods in a week? Here’s why you probably could do with a lot more, and what you should know first if you’re a beginner.


7 Tips To Get Pregnant Naturally

Jul 05, 2011 39K Views

Currently one in seven couples has difficulty conceiving, could this be an effect of our modern diet and lifestyle? Natural health care can help couples get to the root of why they cannot conceive and help them have the child they desire.


Eliminate Suffering From PMS In 5 Simple Steps

Aug 23, 2011 1.2K Views

Seventy-five percent of women suffer from headaches, mood swings, bloating, and other problems that threaten their relationships, work life, and well-being. Most of us unconsciously accept PMS without a second thought. But it doesn't have to be this way. Find out what you can do naturally without using drugs to eliminate PMS for good.


What If A Spice Could Safely Destroy Nearly Every Type Of Cancer?

Mar 03, 2014 48K Views

The "C" word is something no one ever wants to deal with in life; it is one of the leading causes of death in society today. What if there was a safe and natural spice that could destroy nearly every type of cancer? Discover what research is showing, and how it could truly be the "spice of life".


The Forces Against Health in Australia

Jul 07, 2012 24 Views

Many general practitioners and academics are becoming more open to the use of diet and nutritional supplements as viable alternatives to drugs. But why is the health practice in Australia still heavily focused on treatment of the disease rather than prevention? Ian Brighthope, as featured in Food Matters, explains why.


Health Benefits Of Relaxation & 10 Quick Ways To Bring More Calm Into Your Life

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 03, 2016 16K Views

While it’s easy to worry about the health consequences of chronic stress, it’s also helpful to focus on the marvellous health benefits of relaxation! Find out why feeling relaxed does wonders for your body and ten quick tips to bring more calm into your life.