
How Fermentation Is A Meditation Practice

by Felicity Evans Mar 30, 2018 1.3K Views

The whole nature of fermentation is working with a living organism – it’s like having your own kitchen pet. It helps develop patience and asks you to fully participate in creating a delicious living product.


Give Your Gut A Hug With Fermented Foods

by Dr. Libby Weaver Apr 24, 2016 9.8K Views

When it comes to understanding the role of bacteria in our health, consider this - we are actually more bacteria than we are human.


The Best Sauerkraut Salad

by Angie Spuzak Jun 10, 2020 4.3K Views

Do you love or dislike sauerkraut? I am Polish so sauerkraut is one of my favorite foods. I can eat it straight from the jar, add it to my smoothies or drink the juice...


6 Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

by Tess Patrick Mar 09, 2021 1.8K Views

If you look back, cultures have been fermenting food for as long as we can remember. But they’re not just for adding extra color, flavor, or crunch to a meal (although these are all great)... Here are 6 of the best health benefits.


8 Awesome Reasons To Eat Fermented Foods

by Larina Robinson Oct 12, 2015 3.0K Views

Aside from having a great fizz, or powerful flavor, here are 8 reasons to eat fermented foods!


How To Pickle Vegetables

by Rachel Morrow Oct 18, 2015 31K Views

One of the best way to prepare and preserve your vegetables is with pickling. Great for your gut health, these homemade pickles are the perfect way to get the most out of your produce.


Fermenting Tips From Sandorkraut

by James Colquhoun Apr 14, 2016 856 Views

Sandor Katz is the fermentation revivalist of the U.S., if not the world! He is best known as Sandorkraut and is the master of fermentation. We've got access to his thoughts on this art in this new release to FMTV!


The 'Champagne of Kombucha'? I'll Drink To That!

by Felicity Evans Sep 14, 2017 7.4K Views

Sweet, tingly, and nutritious, this apple kombucha recipe will be a hit for your tastebuds and a welcome treat for your gut!


Fermenting Like A Pro! Q & A With The Queen Of Fermentation Alchemy

by Rachel Morrow Jul 04, 2017 3.8K Views

Life should be fizzy! As in, bubbling with probiotic-rich, fermented foods and beverages. You know how much we love them and their health benefits at Food Matters, and you often ask a lot of questions about them, so we've brought in a fermenting expert to give you her best tips!


Kefir: What Is It And Why Should You Use It

by Cyndi O'Meara Oct 25, 2015 21K Views

Our ancestors were well aware of its healing power with ‘kefir’ originating from the Turkish word ‘Keyif’, which means ‘good feeling’. Find out what the fermentation process does and why it is so good for you!

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