
7 Natural Supplements for Stress and Anxiety

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 03, 2019 27K Views

Stress and anxiety are the silent assassins in our modern-day society. Between the beeping and buzzing of our everyday life, it’s hard to turn off -- both in a literal and physical sense -- the world around us. Consequently, we are often causing our bodies more harm than good and creating triggers for stress and feelings of anxiety to consume us.


Guided Tapping Meditation for Anxiety, Stress & Overwhelm

by Laurentine ten Bosch Feb 12, 2022 3.9K Views

Tapping is a profoundly simple practice that has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety, limiting beliefs, and even physical pain in mere moments. Join me for this special meditation practice.


6 Stress Management Techniques To Balance Your Day

by Stephanie Weeks Jan 23, 2016 1.7K Views

We live in a world where we are almost presented with some kind of stressor every day! Become a master at kicking-stress out of your life!


Reduce Stress Naturally with this Simple Breath Technique

by Tess Patrick Sep 06, 2021 1.2K Views

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, even if we know all of the right things to do, and let our stress take the wheel. But when we can stop and reflect we often realize that our stressors aren’t what we think they are. Discover how you can become more aware of your breath, and the simple process it takes to kickstart this switch of our nervous system.


The Best Natural Mind & Body Remedies For Stress

by James Colquhoun Feb 03, 2016 3.4K Views

Could stress be the reason for your weight gain and mood swings? Follow these simple, natural steps to quickly release stress from your mind and body.


New Research: Dark Chocolate Reduces Your Stress Level

by Rachel Morrow Apr 25, 2018 795 Views

New research on the health benefits of dark chocolate barely feels like news to us, we’ve been justifying our love for chocolate with health benefits for a long time, but two new studies have shown that dark chocolate can, in fact, reduce stress & improve your memory!


Adaptogens – Herbs That Make the Stress Go Away

by Agnese Zimele Feb 02, 2019 2.8K Views

Our lives have become busier than ever. We try to squeeze as many activities as possible into those 24 hours working 9 to 5, going to gym, finding time for friends, arts and entertainment while still eager to maintain a healthy lifestyle. How is it possible to avoid stress and anxiety with a routine like that? Luckily, there are entirely natural herbs that can help you deal with that.


8 Foods To Stop Stress & Keep You Resilient

by Tess Patrick Mar 30, 2020 4.2K Views

We are what we eat, and there some special foods that counteract and complement our resilience to external stressors. Here are 8 of our favorite foods to keep you calm and help reduce stress naturally!


Stress Relief For Teens. Is Mindfulness The Key?

by Ashleigh Jensen Sep 17, 2016 2.1K Views

More and more studies are coming to light proving the amazing benefits of mindfulness practice. Never heard of mindfulness or want to know more? Keep reading to find out how mindfulness could improve your life!


The Effects of Stress on the Body (Infographic)

by Rachel Morrow Sep 21, 2019 3.7K Views

Stress that’s left unchecked can lead to many health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, depression, and more! This infographic explains the short and long-term effects of stress on the body.

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