
Using Natural Remedies For Pain And Inflammation

by The Food Matters Team Jun 23, 2018 1.8K Views

As a society, we often reach for the medicine cabinet for quick relief from pain. It is important to find an alternative to the consistent use of over-the-counter medications, as research is starting to show the negative long-term side effects these treatments can have on our body.


Is Your Body Acidic Or Alkaline? Take This Quiz!

by James Colquhoun Jun 27, 2018 50K Views

Take our free quiz to to find out how alkaline you are based on your current lifestyle. It will take you less than 2 minutes, plus, you’ll receive access to recipes and tips to help you get more cleansed, alkaline and energized!


5 Ways To Help Heal Chronic Illness

by Shannon Harvey Mar 16, 2015 627 Views

In order to change your health, there are some things you may not have thought of, like changing your mind! Shannon Harvey gives you 5 tips from her personal journey. Plus, find out more about watching 'The Connection' for FREE.


Keep Your Skin Brighter Than Christmas Lights These Holidays

by Tess Patrick Dec 24, 2021 1.4K Views

We’re all about looking after ourselves in the kindest and gentle way, so we’re putting positive habits in place to nourish our skin all the way through the holiday season.


Top 3 Benefits Of Green Smoothies

by Alena Frohlich Dec 25, 2015 3.3K Views

Not sure about green smoothies? Find out why you should make green smoothies daily with these 3 awesome benefits.


10 Everyday Foods For Health And Vitality

by Laurentine ten Bosch Nov 30, 2016 9.0K Views

Are you headed straight to the superfood section for your pick-me-up? While these foods are amazing for your health, don't miss out on the key staples that give you a nutrient boost too!


10 Powerful Herbs That Can Help Everything From Anxiety to Clotting to Alzheimer’s

Sep 16, 2016 14K Views

Use these delicious herbs to cleanse your liver, fight inflammation, and help prevent memory loss. All while adding a world of flavor to every meal.


The 5 Best Foods to Fight Inflammation

by James Colquhoun Jan 21, 2021 35K Views

Did you know that an overwhelming amount of chronic disease stems from chronic inflammation in the body? And with that notion, many conditions can be prevented by addressing and taking steps to reduce inflammation within the body. Discover my top 5 anti-inflammatory foods here.


The Role Of Vitamin D On Your Health

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 12, 2016 5.7K Views

You may have heard of Vitamin D and its certainly good for us. But why? Find out how to get enough of this essential vitamin and the vital role it has for our health!


The Cleanest Water On Earth? Hint: It's Not Rainwater!

by Renae Redgen Oct 11, 2018 39K Views

American tap water often contains arsenic, lead, barium, and other toxic chemicals which can pose serious health risks, even in small quantities. Discover the purest water for your body here.

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