
How To Vote Toxin Free With Your Shopping Cart

Apr 07, 2011 148 Views

Dr. David Wallinga of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy discusses how to use our food dollars to improve our general nutritional health and forge a sustainable agricultural economy. Here's how you can play your part!


5 Items That Are Worth Splurging On When You Want To Eat Healthier

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 15, 2018 6.1K Views

Are you trying to eat healthier but the thought of purchasing a whole new pantry with all those expensive superfoods from the health food aisle is giving you anxiety? Why not go easy on your piggy bank and stock up on just a few really healthy food items to get you started.


David Wolfe's Top 10 Tips For Next Level Health

by The Chalkboard Mag Apr 18, 2015 9.4K Views

David Wolfe breaks down some of his key health tips. He touches on everything from great nutrition (smoothies and mushrooms) to grounding and zapping: two topics you might not have heard much about!


10 Keys to Unlocking Your Full Mental Potential with Jim Kwik

by James Colquhoun Sep 11, 2021 469 Views

Jim Kwik is one of the greatest minds in accelerated learning. His teachings come from his own story of having to overcome brain barriers from a traumatic experience as a child, to essentially foster new ways of unlocking his full mental potential. It wasn’t easy, but Jim found a way to use the brain that no one else had done before.


Pesticides Are 'Killing Honeybee Population Worldwide'

Jul 05, 2011 45 Views

A new generation of pesticides could be to blame for Britain's vanishing honeybees, a study has shown. The chemicals, which are routinely used on farms and garden centres, attack the central systems of insects and make bee colonies more vulnerable to disease and pests. Find out how you can help the bees.


10 Minute Strengthening Pilates Routine

by The Food Matters Team Oct 25, 2019 2.5K Views

This 10-minute Pilates workout from the new series 'Detox Yoga with Amy Schneider' on FMTV will help strengthen your core, improve your posture and gently promote natural detoxification through the body by boosting your blood flow to your organs!


10 Food Tips To Help Your Brain

by Delia McCabe Nov 10, 2014 4.2K Views

Although the brain is such a complex organ, determining who we are and how we navigate our way through this world, its maintenance and care doesna??t have to be complicated. Keep these food habits in mind and your brain will be nourished and performing like a superstar.


H.O.P.E The Documentary: A Film Teaching the World About Industrialized Farming

by Nina Messinger Oct 21, 2018 787 Views

I couldn't stand by in silence any more as the destructive and self-destructive machinery of the western industrialized countries turned faster and more murderously. I wanted to do everything I could to stop this and offer solutions.


5 Powerful Anti-Aging Secrets

by James Colquhoun Aug 21, 2017 14K Views

Mitochondria power every cell in your body and are very susceptible to the surrounding environment. By controlling the environment you can harness the power of your mitochondria to give yourself more energy, brain function and natural anti-aging benefits!


5 Tips On How To Dine Out GMO Free

Nov 25, 2012 297 Views

Genetically engineered foods have penetrated our food supply at increasing rates. Learn how you can avoid GMO's when dining out by knowing what questions to ask and what foods you're best to avoid.

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