
8 Tips To Help Reduce Bloating and Improve Your Digestive Health

by Kate Dalton Nov 30, 2017 10K Views

There are plenty of steps we can be doing each and every day to help reduce bloating while helping to improve our digestive health. Here are 8 steps you can start doing today...


Thyroid Problems? 6 Tips That Can Change Your Life!

by Alle Weil Sep 23, 2017 15K Views

Thyroid issues? Many people are unaware that chronic and often debilitating symptoms are related to the thyroid and that everyday foods and habits contribute to the issues. Read on to find out more...


7 Things Healthy People Do Before Bed

by James Colquhoun Feb 24, 2015 23K Views

Your evening won’t feel complete without these rituals.


6 Things To Help Kick Anxiety To The Curb

Nov 19, 2014 9.3K Views

If you are looking to kick your anxiety to the curb, these are 6 simple things that have proven to be more helpful than medication.


5 Unusual Causes of Eczema & How To Get Relief Naturally

by Alle Weil Oct 27, 2017 18K Views

We’re taking a closer look at some of the more unusual causes and triggers of irritated skin and how to get relief from the symptoms naturally.


Try This 10 Minute Yoga Class For Busy People

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 04, 2018 4.2K Views

Even just 10 minutes of yoga can offer great benefits. After completing this invigorating flow, feel energized, present and focused. Don't postpone your practice!


Does Having A Flu Shot Mean I Won't Get The Flu?

Feb 02, 2013 682 Views

It seems that wherever you look we're being advised to get the flu shot. Does it work? What are the dangers? Could I still get the flu after my shot? What can I do to naturally protect myself during the flu season?


Eliminate Suffering From PMS In 5 Simple Steps

Aug 23, 2011 1.2K Views

Seventy-five percent of women suffer from headaches, mood swings, bloating, and other problems that threaten their relationships, work life, and well-being. Most of us unconsciously accept PMS without a second thought. But it doesn't have to be this way. Find out what you can do naturally without using drugs to eliminate PMS for good.


How Many Pus Cells Are In Your Milk

Apr 22, 2009 21K Views

Would you feed your child milk if you knew that a glass contained 500 pus cells? 100? 50? Most people answer that they would not accept milk with any pus in it at all for their own children...


A Journey Through Your Intestines

May 16, 2012 19K Views

If we want to experience the best health it is essential to keep our intestine clean and healthy. To keep your digestive system as healthy as possible it might help to get an understanding of the journey the food you consume undergoes from your mouth, all the way through your body. Find out how you can get optimal health by maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

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