Is It Time To Boycott The American Cancer Society?
The truth they do NOT want you to know - where the money really goes and who's getting wealthy from your donations. Plus their biggest 'prevention' strategy might actually promote cancer! Dr Mercola also discusses safe cancer detection and screening methods and reveals his top tips for preventing cancer naturally.

Longevity Is The New Anti-Aging
When we hear the words “anti-aging” most of us think about the outside of our body—the part of us that other people see. We want to look good for our age: to have beautiful, unblemished, taut skin and a youthful glow. But have you ever considered that aging occurs from the inside out?

How To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories (Free Expert Interview)
For too many people, it doesn’t seem to matter what they eat or how much exercise they do, their clothes just seem to keep getting tighter. But weight loss is as simple as burning more energy than the calories you consume, right? Well, unfortunately it’s not as simple as that.
Dangers Of Commercial Sunscreen & How To Protect Ourselves Naturally
Some sunscreens contain harmful chemicals that may be contributing to the development of skin cancers which they are intended to protect against. Learn how to protect yourself against sunburn naturally and how all-natural sunscreens work.

What We’re Reading: 7 Best Health & Wellness Books in 2021
Remember that New Year’s Resolution to read more books this year? Now’s the time to make sure you’re making good on it. At Food Matters, we love to read, so here are the 7 best health and wellness books that are topping our 2021 list.
Do You Suffer From This Common Embarrassing Condition?
No one likes a cold sore, but it happens. Luckily, there’s a simple way to treat and prevent them from cropping up again.

Can Omega-3 Boost Your Child's Brain Power?
With a new school year starting, give your child the nutritional edge they need to learn the most they can this year. This is why every child should be consuming Omega 3 fats every single day.

Day On A Plate: The Hemsley Sisters
Discover what the beautiful Hemsley sisters really eat on an average day to stay healthy and curb their cravings!
A Mother's Story Of How She Helped Her Son To Thrive
We chat with Charlotte Carr to find out how she's helping her baby thrive with wholefoods, and her awesome tips for you to do the same.
8 Ways to Naturally De-Stress at Home
De-stress, pamper and support your body through daily stresses with these holistic self-love strategies to have you feeling incredible in no time.