965 SEARCH RESULTS PREVIEW FOR: green smoothie


Crisp Kohlrabi and Pomegranate Salad

by Angie Spuzak Jun 05, 2020 955 Views

The knobby green and purple Kohlrabi is quite common at many farmers market, and is a catchy name for a crunchy and tasty salad. Many people have come across this strange-looking, oddly-shaped, and weirdly named thing, wondering what it is. The Kohlrabi is a majestic and versatile vegetable coming in a mixture of taste and texture resembling a cabbage and broccoli stems...


Juicing for Glowing Skin, Weight Loss & Transformation with Jason Vale

by James Colquhoun Apr 19, 2022 4.0K Views

Can consuming freshly extracted juices be the key to unlocking a new world of health and wellness that can transform our lives?


Pre-Workout Shake

by Rachel Morrow Apr 13, 2016 2.3K Views

Lacking some energy before a workout? Skip the highly processed pre-workouts and supercharge yourself with this number!


3 Recipes To Help You Hide Your Greens

by Rachel Morrow Jun 28, 2018 1.6K Views

We can all agree that we should be having more greens in our diets! We’re just like you and some days struggle to get more in! Which is why we like to hide them in as many meals as possible. Here are 3 of go-to recipes for ramping up our greens intake!


Sleep-Promoting Evening Shake

by Rachel Morrow Jul 18, 2017 77K Views

The right pre-bedtime snack can help you sleep more soundly and wake up feeling fully energized. Here’s how to blend up a tasty glass for a good night’s sleep.


Healing Foods, Herbal Remedies & Ancient Nutrition with Daniel Vitalis

by James Colquhoun Jan 11, 2022 905 Views

What does it mean to live like a modern caveman? And how can this help us fight disease? It’s an extreme take on the idea of ‘rewilding yourself’, but it’s something that hunter-gatherer Daniel Vitalis explores in this exclusive podcast episode.


15 Foods To Help Improve Mental Health

by The Chalkboard Mag Aug 17, 2018 9.4K Views

Mental Health is being discussed more and more these days, which we embrace and celebrate. But mental health doesn’t only mean feeling stable under stress or balanced when things in life go awry, it actually refers to the physical health of the brain overall.


Want Glowing Skin? Try These 12 Hydration Tips!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 22, 2018 5.0K Views

Water can be your perfect inexpensive, no fuss, anti-aging treatment! Proper hydration can help to maintain the skin's natural elasticity and suppleness, leaving your skin looking look fresh and more vibrant as a result.


7 Day Juice Challenge

by Ivette Rieksts Aug 25, 2016 9.3K Views

So why take the 7 Day Juice Challenge? We are often asked to name one thing that can be done right away to get healthier. With respect to food choices, the best suggestion I have is to begin drinking freshly pressed vegetable juices.


5 Calcium Rich Alternatives To Milk

by James Colquhoun Oct 23, 2015 17K Views

Calcium is an essential mineral to our body, it is the building blocks to our bones and maintains bodily functions such as heart rhythm, nerve communication and the contraction and release of our muscles!

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