
Grow Your Own Drugs - BBC TV Show (VIDEO)

Feb 17, 2011 677 Views

You'll never look at your garden in the same way again. Join James Wong, the host of this fantastic BBC show, as he teaches us how you can use plants as medicine (including wild harvesting goji berries).


7 Powerful Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

by James Colquhoun Aug 16, 2021 56K Views

If you’re like most people and don’t have the time to prepare a cold pressed celery juice or harvest a tray of wheatgrass each morning, then the next best thing science says you can do is drink lemon juice and water.


Natural & Safe Ways To Treat Depression

by Dr. Daniel Amen Aug 01, 2017 3.1K Views

Medicine and surgery are not the only ways to treat depression. Try these natural and safe methods to elevate your mood and be yourself again.


Mammograms- A Preventative Or A Cause?

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 16, 2013 260 Views

Do you dread getting a mammogram? Let's be honest, it's uncomfortable, sometimes quite painful and recent research shows, possibly dangerous. Discover what research is showing about mammograms and why it could be wise to stay away from this routine procedure


11 Reasons To Get off the Gluten

by James Colquhoun Apr 21, 2022 5.6K Views

If you’re suffering from bloating, food sensitivities, gas, fatigue, brain fog, auto-immune conditions, inflammation, body aches & pains or if you’re constantly getting sick… Then I have some important news for you.


That Post-Lunch Slump: Why Do I Feel So Tired After Eating?

by Dr. Libby Weaver Jan 10, 2016 3.6K Views

Food is designed to energize us, right? Yet why is it that so many people feel a post-lunch slump?


How to Overcome Candida Naturally

May 25, 2010 182K Views

Fight back against yeast infections! Here’s how to keep them at bay naturally.


5 Habits to Use Technology More Mindfully

by Annmarie Skin Care Aug 03, 2019 1.4K Views

Technology has become imperative to our daily work, activities and social life. It is an expectation that we are constantly “connected” to maintain our place in modern society. So, what do we do? What does using technology to enhance our lives, but not detract from it, really look like? I believe that, as in most things, balance is the key.


We Had A Baby! (And Here Is Our Unusual Story)

by James Colquhoun Jul 16, 2013 2.2K Views

For those following us online and on Facebook, you might have seen Laurentine's pregnant belly over the past few months. Well, we recently had our baby and we wanted to share our unique story with you. We think you'll find it an interesting commentary on birth and the beginnings of life as a human.


Anti-Depressants Linked to Suicide and Violence

Jun 09, 2011 897 Views

Experts are speaking out about the link between Anti-Depressant use and suicide. If you, a loved one, or anyone you know is taking psychiatric medication for depression please read this article and pass on to family and friends.

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