
How To Heal Candida And Yeast Infections Naturally

by Donna Gates Aug 07, 2018 4.4K Views

Candida is a yeast overgrowth that relates to an imbalance in the gut flora. In this interview, we learn about the importance of repairing our gut health to help heal candida and yeast infections.


A Simple Guide To Digestive Wellness

by Sarah Hawthorne Dec 11, 2016 12K Views

Do you suffer from digestive upset? Here are some tips to help ease the discomfort.


Are You Feeding Your Pet Commercial Pet Food?

Sep 29, 2009 116 Views

If you love your furry friend, it is important you become aware of its nutritional needs, read this article to find out what's best.


7 Tips To Get Pregnant Naturally

Jul 05, 2011 39K Views

Currently one in seven couples has difficulty conceiving, could this be an effect of our modern diet and lifestyle? Natural health care can help couples get to the root of why they cannot conceive and help them have the child they desire.


8 Ways To Naturally Keep Your Joints Healthy

by Dr. Libby Weaver Aug 23, 2015 86K Views

The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself, however, as we begin to age our joints often need extra TLC. Discover 8 natural ways to assist keeping those joints nice and healthy!


10 Easy Ways To Fall Asleep Anywhere In 5 Minutes or Less

by James Colquhoun Feb 02, 2018 343K Views

Traveling, waking up multiple times, or being stressed can interfere with your sleep. Find out how you can fall asleep quickly whenever and wherever you want.


Love, Eat, Pray: Techniques To Help You Eat Mindfully

by Sandi Louise Ross Oct 17, 2015 766 Views

When did we become so busy that we forgot to chew our food? The modern pace of life has us sitting in front of a computer eating our lunch, while we multi-task between our emails and our Facebook. Sound like you? Read on.


8 Foods to Boost Your Libido Naturally

by Rachel Morrow Nov 11, 2019 4.2K Views

Too tired for sex? Too busy? Too distracted? Or has your sex-drive gone MIA? It’s possible to take advantage of your body’s natural chemistry and enhance your libido by incorporating the right foods into your diet!


5 Surprising Health Benefits Of Owning Cats And Dogs

by Ashleigh Jensen Sep 24, 2016 7.8K Views

Pet owners have it better than the rest of us, according to multiple research studies. Here’s how adopting a furry friend into the family affects your mind and body for the better.


Losing Your Hair? Find Out What You Can Do

Sep 15, 2009 72K Views

No one wants to wake up one day with more hair in the sink than on their head. Here are 6 ways you can keep your hair strong and healthy.

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