
The 7 Health Benefits Of Oil Pulling

by James Colquhoun Sep 16, 2014 250K Views

Curious about the benefits of oil pulling? It's a natural health process which brings with it a whole host of positive effects! The question isn’t ‘why should you be oil pulling?’ but rather, ‘why aren’t you?’


What Nature Does To Your Body

by Dr. Eva Selhub Aug 17, 2015 360 Views

Are you really aware of what happens to your body when you're around nature? The benefits are powerful! Discover why you should surround yourself with nature more often!


Things You Did Not Know About How Acupuncture Can Help You

by Devin Wertsoniya May 20, 2016 1.8K Views

Acupuncture has been extensively used in Oriental folkloric and traditional health care practices. Here are just a few things acupuncture can help you with!


How Studying Nutrition Online Changed My Life

by Tess Patrick Apr 19, 2021 1.1K Views

Our staff writer Tess always had a love for delicious foods and a healthy lifestyle, but it took a severe case of burnout for her to realize how important this knowledge was. This is how studying nutrition changed her life.


5 Unexpected Reasons Your Skin Could Be Breaking Out

by Ashleigh Jensen Nov 05, 2016 15K Views

Do you feel like you’re doing everything right yet your skin keeps surprising you with pimples? Here are some unexpected reasons your face might be breaking out


6 Ways to Naturally Stop Your Sweet Cravings

by Chloe Bennet Sep 19, 2019 2.6K Views

With natural and holistic approaches, it is certainly possible to reduce your sugar cravings and reach for a healthier alternative. In this article, we’ll explore 6 natural ways to curb your sweet tooth.


Struggling to Lose Weight? Try These 3 Tips for Success

by Dr. Bradley Nelson Nov 26, 2015 3.3K Views

The number one cause of obesity is something known as 'emotional eating'. Here are some steps from Dr. Bradley Nelson that can help you avoid the pitfalls of emotional eating.


10 Immune Boosting Flu Shot Alternatives

Oct 31, 2011 3.0K Views

Pharmacies all over are promoting walk-in flu shots for the "flu season"...but for those that don't want a chemical cocktail injected into their bodies what measures can we take to ensure we are not sidelined with nagging colds or a debilitating flu episode.


Is White Mulberry The Next Superfood?

by Dr. Kevin Curran Nov 16, 2015 4.7K Views

Most people wouldn’t recognize this powerful fruit in a grocery store, but don’t underestimate its health benefits!


Longevity Is The New Anti-Aging

by Dr. Libby Weaver Apr 10, 2018 2.3K Views

When we hear the words “anti-aging” most of us think about the outside of our body—the part of us that other people see. We want to look good for our age: to have beautiful, unblemished, taut skin and a youthful glow. But have you ever considered that aging occurs from the inside out?

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