
How To Improve Digestion And The Health Of Your Gut

by Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, MD Jan 31, 2016 8.9K Views

Gut health and looking after your microbiome is critical for overall wellness. Make sure to do these essential steps to ensure a healthy gut and better digestion.


6 Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

by Tess Patrick Mar 09, 2021 1.8K Views

If you look back, cultures have been fermenting food for as long as we can remember. But they’re not just for adding extra color, flavor, or crunch to a meal (although these are all great)... Here are 6 of the best health benefits.


How Fermentation Is A Meditation Practice

by Felicity Evans Mar 30, 2018 1.3K Views

The whole nature of fermentation is working with a living organism – it’s like having your own kitchen pet. It helps develop patience and asks you to fully participate in creating a delicious living product.


5 Ways To Naturally Balance Your Hormones

by Mary Vance Apr 30, 2016 3.3K Views

Do you struggle with PMS, bloating, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, acne, sugar cravings, insomnia? We are socialized to believe that these symptoms are an inevitable part of fluctuating cyclical hormones, but they are signs that your hormones are not optimally balanced.


5 Items That Are Worth Splurging On When You Want To Eat Healthier

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 15, 2018 6.1K Views

Are you trying to eat healthier but the thought of purchasing a whole new pantry with all those expensive superfoods from the health food aisle is giving you anxiety? Why not go easy on your piggy bank and stock up on just a few really healthy food items to get you started.


Over Indulging During Holiday Season: How To Beat The Bloat In 10 Steps

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 16, 2020 8.2K Views

No one wants to feel uncomfortable or unwell around the holidays. Try these simple remedies to feel well throughout the festive season and beyond.


How To Manage Allergies In Young Children

by Mandy Sacher Jul 31, 2016 2.5K Views

Do you have a child who suffers from allergies? Mandy Sacher shares her top suggestions for how to manage allergies with simple tips that you can implement to ease the discomfort of your child.


A Dozen Unusual Ways With Coconut Water

by James Colquhoun Jul 14, 2015 10K Views

There are plenty more uses for coconut water than you may have thought. Here are 12 of the most unusual (but awesome!) ways with one of our favorite beverages!


12 Recipes To Naturally Detox Your Body Daily

by Rachel Morrow Dec 20, 2021 10K Views

Our new year's detox is just around the corner. Over the years of detoxing, we have come to realize that it is best to keep things light in the lead-up to the actual detox. So here are some recipes to get your body prepared.


15 Foods To Help Improve Mental Health

by The Chalkboard Mag Aug 17, 2018 9.4K Views

Mental Health is being discussed more and more these days, which we embrace and celebrate. But mental health doesn’t only mean feeling stable under stress or balanced when things in life go awry, it actually refers to the physical health of the brain overall.

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