
Beat and Treat ADD and ADHD without Drugs

Jul 20, 2010 955 Views

ADD and ADHD are commonplace in today's society but did you know that such conditions may be prevented or improved with diet and supplementation instead of risky mainstream drugs?


High-Dose Vitamin C Successful in Treating Covid-Related Sepsis

by Tess Patrick Dec 03, 2020 1.7K Views

There has been another win for nutrition in coronavirus research this week, with Australia’s ABC reporting the story of a 40-year-old patient who contracted sepsis making a remarkable recovery after receiving high-dose ascorbic acid treatment. The Australian patient became critically ill after contracting coronavirus earlier this year and was suffering the early stages of blood poisoning when his doctors decided it implement a new, ‘immune-supporting’ protocol that eventually got him off machine ventilators, and walking out of hospital 22-days-later without complications.


6 Ingredients You May Not Want In Your Food

Jul 31, 2012 13K Views

We are now consuming manufactured products that have been modified to look and taste like food...but can we still call it food? Read about 6 "special" ingredients used to mimic food.


Can Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Your Sugar Cravings?

by James Colquhoun Nov 04, 2015 23K Views

Reason #1: stop sugar cravings in their tracks!


8 Toxic Food Additives Allowed in The U.S. That Are BANNED in Other Countries

Jun 23, 2013 27K Views

They don’t add to the nutritional value, but they do have massive effects on your body. Here’s how these chemicals prevent your body from absorbing nutrients, induce asthma and worse. Watch out for these in your ingredient lists while shopping.


5 Ways to Tell If Your Vitamins are Real or Fake

Jan 06, 2013 183K Views

Not sure what to look for on those supplement labels? We’ve got you covered.


7 Preconception Tips to Give Your Baby the Best Start in Life

by Vanessa Lamaro & Mary Martin Dec 09, 2016 5.0K Views

Are you planning on becoming pregnant? Want to make sure you are giving both yourself and your baby the best start for your pregnancy journey? These tips can help you prepare your body for motherhood.


Foods To Boost Your Metabolism & Increase The Rate You Burn Fat

by James Colquhoun May 05, 2017 22K Views

Find out what metabolism actually means, how to boost your metabolism, and what foods to eat to keep yours healthy.


10 Nutritional Habits to Form Now for a Longer Life

by Brian Vaszily Jan 02, 2024 4.5K Views

As the calendar turns its page to a brand new year, now’s the perfect time to form new healthy habits — and we're not just talking about the food on your plate (although that plays an important part). Proper nutrition spans everything from what you put in your body to the amount of sleep you get. So to inspire your New Year’s resolutions, here are 10 nutritional habits to incorporate in the new year that can help you live a longer, happier life!


10 Ways To Make Your Salad Taste Amazing!

by Laurentine ten Bosch Mar 23, 2016 3.3K Views

Make friends with salad with these 10 easy ways to make your salad taste so much better!

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