
Everything You Need To Know About Gut Health (Infographic)

by James Colquhoun Feb 16, 2016 70K Views

This infographic breaks down just what our gut does for us and how to keep it working and healthy.


Losing Your Hair? Find Out What You Can Do

Sep 15, 2009 72K Views

No one wants to wake up one day with more hair in the sink than on their head. Here are 6 ways you can keep your hair strong and healthy.


8 Foods to Start Eating Every Week if You Want Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Dec 18, 2012 17K Views

Stop throwing away your money! For clear, glowing skin, it’s what you eat, not what expensive skincare products you buy, that will make the biggest difference.


5 Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself From Alzheimer's

by James Colquhoun May 30, 2012 62K Views

People are often told that there is very little that can be done to prevent Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. A recent study has results to show that those with greater life purpose and some specific nutrition approaches can result in the maintenance of better cognitive ability.


I'm Coming To The UK Next Week! (2 Days Only!)

by James Colquhoun Jul 15, 2014 35 Views

If you're in the UK or know any friends that live there, come and say hi! I'm going to be there for 2 nights only. London & Liverpool, July 22nd and 23rd. Both events are FREE. See you there!


600 People Attend Food Matters Screening in Toronto

Apr 22, 2009 19 Views

On Wednesday, August 6, 2008, Orthomolecular Health presented the Toronto premiere of the documentary, Food Matters at Toronto's Bloor Cinema. Attendance at the show was fantastic-over 600 people-and long lines formed for many blocks along Bloor Street.


Creamy Mango Lassi With A Superfood Boost

Jun 02, 2014 439 Views

Calling all smoothie addicts! This one is for you. Healthy, refined sugar free, nutritious and delicious. The perfect combination where sweet meets sour and deliciousness meets healthy. Do you need any more reasons to give this a try?


Turbo Charge Smoothie Recipe

Sep 15, 2009 2.1K Views

After a recent trip to Dubai the team at Food Matters have a new favorite Superfood Smoothie. We've been having one each morning for the last 5 days and feel amazing, try it for yourself!


3 Herbal Tea Recipes Based on Your Skin Type

by Annmarie Skin Care Mar 29, 2019 2.1K Views

Teas are a really wonderful way to boost your body’s hydration, and because we’re made of 65-80 percent water, the constituents that hot (and cold) water pulls out of the herbs are really absorbable for us. Here are 3 herbal tea recipes based on your skin type.


Heart Drops

Feb 10, 2015 266 Views

Before you head out to buy sugar-filled Valentine'??s treats this year, why not try making your own, filled with love! We got a little creative with one of the recipes in the name of love.

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